Jones Soda

Oh yeah I’ve tried Sodas in Japan and they would definately get my vote over the Jones Sodas, but I don’t know the names of them, and I have no way of getting them. Actually I think I can remember this one that might’ve been called “Melon Soda” in English. Dang, that was too good. Anyone else tried that?


I can think of other things that “pay the price” from sugared sodas. :slight_smile:

There is a girl at my school whose dad is the label picker for Jones.

You can find sodas in the US that are sweetened with real sugar instead of high fructose corn syrup. It’s going to be small brands and specialty brands. I’ve found some root beers that are made with sugar instead of corn syrup. There are specialty soda shops that make old soda flavors and they usually use sugar instead of corn syrup.

Search the internet for specialty soda shops that bottle and sell specialty soda. You’ll find some that use traditional sugar.

Leeman180: resurecct my thread i want more people to talk about how cool i am


Leeman180: go ahead and talk about me

I like Jones.

You can actually just buy a 6 pack or a case with your own label on them. They’re called My Jones. Costs like $35 or something, but i imagine it would make a pretty awesome gift to someone.

Did anyone ever try their thanksgiving sodas? turkey and gravy, mashed potatoes, etc…

No but I did have their Indian sodas. Curry, Chicken Vindaloo, Tandori.

A fellow unicyclist sent me this and guess who I see?

http://Yoopers for one! Mary sure is sneaky.

Wow, I submitted that on a whim several years ago. I’d forgotten about it. Did my mug ever make it onto a soda label? I don’t drink the soda, can’t find it in this area, so I guess I’ll never know. Sure are some neat photos submitted.

Has anyone ever tried the “Thanksgiving Special” Jones soda? It is soo gross. They come in “Turkey”, “Pumpkin Pie”, “Brussel Sprouts” and like one other really gross flavor. It was a while ago, I dunno if they’ll make it again this thanksgiving…

I think Yoopers made the Brussel Sprouts bottle.:wink:

I tried pumpkin pie yogurt the other day…it was so nasty.

Everyone should vote for Bruce, and get him onto the bottle.

I love Brussel Sprouts! No one else in my family does though so I haven’t had them in years. The last family weird veggie episode we tried didn’t turn out so well. I served up mustard greens, which I love. Mary tried desparately to back me up in getting the boys to try them but couldn’t stay with it. She finally had to admit that mustard greens were the scourge of the earth.

Maybe I could make the mustard greens-flavored Jones soda bottle. That would be an honor. :slight_smile:

The new VAULT energy drink the pepsi is promoting now is EXACTLY the same as surge was. (atleast the same as surges first recipe. It changed
about a year or two after it was released to a crappier tasting version)

A unicycle did make on their labels in an August 2005 run.

I’ve submitted several photos but none of them ever made it… I only know of two places that still sell jones soda near me anyway…

I like their cream soda. I havent tried any other flavors.

I bought a BOX with that unicycle photo on it today. It wasn’t on the bottles.

Then I posted on RecSport. Hope I don’t get too much s**t for it.

i think ive had that before!