John Foss, jack of all trades!

Hey John, I didn’t know you were so versatile!

That’s nothing, I was the 45th governor of Maryland.

Not to mention a really crazy artist.

I also sell cars in my spare time.

They even named a songwriter’s festival after me.

When I’m not unicycling, I enjoy paragliding.

That’s nothing. Just do a search on “Tommy Thompson.” I’ve got you all beat for the most over-used name in the language!

I am unique. A search of google for Rowan Chivers only reveals 3 results, all pertaining to me. A search for James Pritchard provokes heaps of random results which do not relate to James from down the road. A search for Ben mostly comes up with stuff about Ben (James’ flatmate). According to the Rhyme dictionary, John and Foss are both common names so it is not surprising that other people share them.

Ha!!! I’m more popular than John Foss. :smiley:

I wish I was popular:(

I am, however, very rare, if not popular!