John Childs...loctite help needed for an old lady

hey John i read this story and thought you might want to email any advice to “triple O” in Brittan…you may have a future as an ER loctite consultant.

That’s got to hurt. Have you heard of docs using super glue instead of stitches? Some say that it might be available for home use in the near future. That would help make my first aid kit a little smaller.

Oops! That’s not a good mistake to make. In hindsight, it’s probably not a good idea to store the super glue next to the eye drops.

She should be happy it wasn’t mustard or hot sauce.

I think that’s why cyanoacrylates (superglue) were developed. A glue that sets under water for surgical use.

Super glue as we know it today, was invented for the use in the army. When a soldier would get cut, the on field doc’s used super glue in the instead as stitches.

it’s not quite as cut-n-dried as that
this is a fair history of how the whole thing came about

Re: John Childs…loctite help needed for an old lady

I found it remarkable that her husband is 21 years younger and she calls him “Dad”.

Klaas Bil

Re: Re: John Childs…loctite help needed for an old lady

yeah, the habit of adressing one’s spouse in terms of his/her relationship to your (joint) children is pretty odd
i wonder which side of the pond that originated?