Wat does anyone know about being a professional camera man who makes sweet movies for a living…
u know like defect,dirt bike movies,skate movies,etc…
hmmm… http://www.collegegrad.com/salaries/salaries.shtml look on there to see salary in different places
r they serious…thats goofy…
is anybody one of the camera guys that does camera guy stuff…
It’s almost certainly a lot less fun and a lot more hard work than it looks.
probably…in the magazines the photographers and so on say that they have to sacrifice alot of their riding time to get the shots they need…
and theres alot to filiming too…
Camera people don’t make great movies. They film them. They have little to no choice as to what to film. If you want to make a great movie you have to be a director. Or if you want to put a great movie together be an editer.
Editer’s do more great movie making than a camera man. Alot of times they don’t even film movies in order.
If I really wanted to be a serious photographer at events like Moab and Unicon, I wouldn’t have time to ride at all. I have to compromise. The weather at Moab made it a little easier this year. Since it was raining on Friday afternoon and Saturday, the big camera bag stayed in the car while I came out with my usual butt-bag camera and concentrated less on photography and more on riding (and being a deputy).
Being a professional cameraman is a lot of work. Talk to someone like Dan Heaton to learn a bit about what it’s like for someone who does it here and there, but Dan doesn’t do it full time.
Brian Mackenzie does it full time doesn’t he?