Jesus camp

I just heard about this documentary on an evangelical summer camp that is very reminiscent of the hitler youth. The name of the movie is Jesus Camp and the camp itself I believe is called Kids on Fire. After seeing the trailer and some clips from it I find this camp to be a very scary thing. The children are completely brainwashed, they have no chance to become what they choose. I very much believe that people should choose their own religion and stuff like that, I’m pretty liberal that way and when I saw this it horrifies me.

Anyways enough about me, what do other people think about this, o and here is the IMDB link

So they choose to go there, duh.

They go there because their family pressures them to, I’m sure there are also many kids that do go their because they love jesus and god and being christian, but I just don’t think people should be pushing it so hard, let the kids find out on their own if they truly believe in it then it won’t matter whether or not they went to it.

When a kid is 8 or 9 years old they aren’t exactly choosing to go there. It’s kind of up to the parents at that point.

Here’s the trailer:

It is kind of scary…makes it look like a Christian Cult. I can’t even tell from the trailer if this movie is supposed to make the “camp” look good or bad.

Which is the way it is supposed to be. When you were 8-9 your parents played a part in what you became today, or at least they should have. It
s up to the parents to teach them the right thing, not just let them run wild and do whatever the heck they want.

I’m not saying the supposed camp is good or bad, there are “bad christians”, so to speak.

Well the stuff they teach them at Jesus Camp is NOT the “right” thing.

I still don’t think their parents should send them to a brainwashing camp. My parents gave me full religious reign, I didn’t have to go to church. I went a few times with some friends, I went to a couple different churches. I didn’t agree with it, so I never went back. When kids are little they still have minds and opinions and parents shouldn’t force feed them their opinions and views.

I wouldn’t say that, I don’t think it is the right thing but they firmly believe it is. I just don’t think that we should be forcefeeding the kids that information. We should let them learn about it on their own. A little push in a certain direction isn’t bad but you should still let them build their own thoughts.

Most of your parents sent you to government school, what’s the difference?

The schools I went to taught me to make choices. One major example that I feel proud of is we were taught that some people believe in evolution (evolution was explained by someone who believed in it therefore giving a compelling argument) we were also taught at the same time that some people believe in creationism which was also taught by someone who believed strongly in it and had done much research against evolution. The two made very compelling arguments but in the end there was never a test question where only one of them was accepted, accept of course which is the theory by which humans are descendants of other animals, or which theory supports the idea that humans were created by a more powerful entity.

At this camp they go to not learn about jesus (which they already know plenty about) they are sent to think in one direct manner.

I have nothing wrong with people being christians, or muslims or jews, I just don’t like the idea of it not being their choice to follow that path.

I saw this on the news… I didn’t see the story though just the teaser… I don’t think that the is much difference between government school and this thing… they both forcefeed us information… for all we know everything we know is a lie A BIG FAT LIE… [/SIZE](blame the drugs I’m on)

In school they aren’t (at least here) supposed to teach us a way of life they teach us tools to use to enrich our lives.

Ahh I guess that is a problem with your school system, I’m a fan of ours for it being in the curriculum to teach both and let us decide on what we believe.

my school mentions nothing of creationism and never has they have always told us about evolution because too many damn people got mad a to some teachers for even mentioning it…

Well that made me sick.

I have a feeling that the movie itself is just showing what the camp is like. Hopefully it doesn’t try and influence you either way. It will probably become a movie that both supporters and bashers alike will like.

Wow, that is not rite, I’m all for parents saying there kids should be one religion, but that is too far.
And about schools, that is different, because schools are no where as near hardcore as that camp is.

Here is the youtube trailer, if you search jesus camp on youtube you will be able to better understand the movie as it has more indepth clips that aren’t just flashes of radical behaviour, they talk to some of the kids and show just what they are doing.

I just watched the trailer again and the thing that disturbed me the most was the fact that the kids were in one part dressed in full camo and were practicing military excersizes.

For government brainwashing??

Well that’s uh…creepy

Separation of church and state? :roll_eyes:

They weren’t training us for an ‘army’ (not that I know of at least). Also, if you didn’t pay attention at school then nobody really cared, you just got bad grades. I’m assuming that at a camp like this one they probably take more drastic measures.