jess riegel on sports blender on mtv

anyone else see the commercial for this? its said to premier soon. i saw a quick shot of him doing a rail on his pink summit.

no i didn’t!

i need to see this.

I didn’t see it but when you posted this I turned to mtv and I sat through a whole real world episode waiting for the commercial and it never came on. I went to and looked at their page for the show and it doesn’t mention uniing.

i heard about it, but i dont have cable so i cant watch. but my friend that made fun of me for being a gay unicyclist he said it was cool.

I saw the same commercial, it looked like he did a rail with a 180 out. From what I saw the show is going to focus on ‘odd’ but extreme sports. There was cup stacking, unicycling and some others.

i saw that commercial. i dont usually watch mtv, but it might be worth watching if the show is cool enough to have some unicycling.

I want to see this

how can they compare unicycling to cup stacking?!

they can’t.

Yeah I saw him. I think there was another shot of him gliding on a commercial.


I need to know when this is on.

I saw it and was like WTF?!?!? Man that vid is old though. It’s back when that uni was new(ish).

My Trials Course video was supposed to be on Sportsblender, but they decided to use it just in the promotion of the show. I sent them trials course love 99, and ucsb unicycling. It sounds like they are using footage from ucsb. I still haven’t seen the teaser, but I’m not exactly a TV person either.


I found this. It’s the promo. I was going to start a new post “Mtv?”, but last time I dupped a post on the Crocodile Hunter, everyone shit their pants. :astonished: :thinking: :smiley:

what time is it on?


Jess, is that in your backyard?

I can’t find any info about it on, where is there info on it?