Jerrick Please change your sig!

I actually did that one time, even though I knew better. I forgot that I wan’t using Firefox, which warns you before closing multiple tabs. Chrome doesn’t…:slight_smile:

His sig used to stretch my screen but it doesn’t any more in either my laptop with IE or home PC with IE and Firefox.

I did find it annoying when it did stretch.

It never stretched for me… :thinking:
BTW, Jer’s sig was never a problem for me. I don’t why all this discussion.

I don’t get it. If someone like Jerrick wants to have an annoying sig. That’s his opinion/decision and we should just accept it.

How would it feel if someone else (like you guys) did something like that and people ratted on you??? I don’t think you would like it either. :smiley:

It was really really really annoying for a while, to the point where I was going to create a similar thread, then a while ago it just stopped happening. It went into multiple lines and I didn’t have a problem with it anymore.

are we talking about a persons freedom to sig?

Hmmmm… You’ve brought up an interesting topic there Phil. One that has been thoroughly addressed over the course of the past several years. There was a time of great conflict and disarray, but that time is long gone with signature images, massive signatures with nothing on them, and a few very ugly details I wont go into for fear of more necroposting. It can be said that, “One’s freedom to sig is limited only by their inability to work with what they have, regardless of their present situation.” Even though we may not have an infinite amount of characters to work with or the ability to implement http into our signatures, we should be thankful for what we have, bite our lip if it bothers us and get creative. I mean, it really isn’t a necessity.

Oh, but in the future, PM, otherwise you get a silly thread full of stuff like…


but seriously… if you wanna get ahold of someone, try PMs first.

I made a firefox extension which removes his signature:

Download it and open it with firefox.

My EYES! IT BURNS! :wink:

I actually made a firefox plugin which removes his sig, if anyone needs it let me know.

The easiest thing to do though is just get firefox 3.0 or newer, it forces his sig to wrap to the next line instead of stretching the page.

I could, I could also make a TRUE ignore feature which totally removes all traces of someone rather than having it still say they posted something.

would it be reversible?

Cause if not, I could use one of those

Haha, well if you removed or disabled the plugin it would revert back.

I have a much better idea in store for you guys though. Its something everyone has been wanting for a long time.

[RIGHT]If its a chat room plugin,
im not sure how successful that will
be, even though so many people ask
about one, but as soon as one is up,
it gets used for a few days, then
never again.[/RIGHT]

Not gonna change.

[LEFT]Not for a while at least.[/LEFT]

[RIGHT]Its still gets
so[LEFT]Ill keep it[/LEFT]until

[RIGHT]people get used[/RIGHT]



[RIGHT]or figure
something else out.



The worst crime is allowing yourself to photographed dressed in drag BUT YOU DID NOT SHAVE YOUR ARMPITS!


It took me a while to figure out what the complaint was about, probably because it’s not an issue with a 24" monitor.