Jerrick Please Change your avatar!

Unless you type something in all caps to get my attention, I will not read your posts as I quickly scroll down the page to get away from the ghastly picture under your name. I do not end up reading your entire posts anymore.

I am not asking for the sake of getting your posts read by me. I am asking cause it is annoying and messes with my head.

Its just stupid. Yes, this is a joke.

What’s wrong with it? If you’re gonna scroll past his posts due to an avatar pic, then it’s not his fault, it’s your’s.

It’s just stupid.

I don’t get it…what’s wrong with two guys making funny faces? :thinking:
I would understand if you wanted him to change his custom user title…

That’s what I was going to say…

I’m pretty sure it’s a joke…

The avatar title is no joke. Its full support to a little boy who finally got his cake. People are still going to restrict his options in life because his name though. I explained myself on it countless time. Though your always welcome to get a few of your friends to call me a Nazi for about an hour straight over msn messenger.


Jerrick Crites and Rocky.jpg

I personaly think hes gorgeous.

Rocky has no last name?

poor guy. :frowning:

Oh! I saw Jordan at the library today.
it was cool.
Then I saw your mom coming out of Wal*Mart.

He has a last name, but he doesnt like his last name out on the internet.

You should of stopped by for a bit. I have a new piano setup in my room youd probably like. Still need to get a sustain pedal but I missed work today because someones friends died or something, so still not enough money to get one.

Same here, actually I think that his avatar is easier on the eyes than your way to busy black and white “artistic” unicycle pic.

Care to explain what is so ghastly about his pic?

your mom told me about that.

but you got an extra day off!

Yeah. Was pretty nice. Got to do some studio work. Setting up my other speaker, and finishing some programs and updates and an hour or two with FEAR 2. Fun day.

Gonna head over to Rockys or something soon though. The house is getting boring.

I’m confused about what’s ghastly about his avatar…

I don’t get it.

'Twas a parody on this.

I did like your original avatar more, Jerrick, but I’m not hyperventilating over your current one. :slight_smile:

What was the original one? My memory fails me!

The first one was a webcam type pic.

Bring back the hedgehog.