Jerrick is a rebel. But does he have a cause?

I’d say yes.

I’d say sugar dale ham.

I’d hit it.

Hold it now, hold it now, hold it now… hit it!

Jerrick makes love like no other.

I’d tap that.

; )

when the lights are off you cant tell whos jackie or whos jerrick…

from behind

wow. this got gay quick for it being about a straight guy…

or is he?..:stuck_out_tongue:

depends wheather or not the lights are on… and wheather or not jakcie is there with the lights on or off :sunglasses:

this might come in handy for jerrick

I say Jerrick is a rebel without a clue.

If he were a newbie starting all these thread topics that belong in MR he would have been reprimanded or banned by now.

Why dont I have a clue?

Lorenz seems to not like me.


You should see the msn conversation that its going on with him and another guy.

Its shocking! :astonished:

Because of the line in your avatar?

Lol, eejits.

Lol, just saw the messages on your profile, lol.

Yep. I even said it was about Adolf Hitler Campbell, that little kid, you know, full support to him, but oh well. I knew it would get reactions like that, which was some what the plan.

So far its been a fun way to wake up. I should get some breakfast soon. Or go bac to bed. I dont work today so I should of slept in.

You have no schedule :stuck_out_tongue: haha

Lol, well if people will jump to conclusions, and have their heads up their arses, then they only have themselves to blame if something insults them.

Thats how I look at it and most other things. Even if I was in another country, it wouldnt matter

I shouldnt be on any schedule today, except that I may have band practice today and go hang out with a friend. It snowed a few inches last night, and all he has is a minivan to get around with, which is horrible in the snow, so who knows. But if I cant hang out with him, im going to build in extension on my desk. So today will be somewhat productive.

sorry jerrick
van you fergive me please:(