Jenny's First Unicycle

I took a short video of Jenny unwrapping her biggest birthday present from Mummy and Daddy this morning. I’ve uploaded it to my gallery, which should be here:

Having now sat her on it I reckon that, if I shorten the seatpost slightly and bolt wooden blocks to the pedals, she should be able to start learning some time in the summer.

Congratulations. When do you think she will be better than you, in a couple of weeks? Will she be pushing the FlyMo while riding her uni with a pint in hand one day?

thats one posh pink unicycle

That’s perfect! Where did you find a pink one?

She’s 4 today, which means that legally she’s not allowed to drink until next year. Besides which, she doesn’t like the smell of BEER. So the pint will have to wait a bit longer :stuck_out_tongue:

I didn’t. It’s a chrome Dodger, bought from and then decorated with holographic tape that I bought specially for the purpose from Beard. They use it for decorating clubs, devil sticks and the like.

That was the unicycle i delivered :slight_smile:

Indeed it was. Thanks Trev, you can now describe yourself as a unicycle midwife :wink:

Nice unicycle! Thanks for sharing that heart-warming video!

Pint? They come in pints? – I’m getting one!

haha is that a lotr quote i see snuck in?

After we saw the movie in the cinema, my daughter would say that at the drop of a hat with an English accent. It was fun to add to the chaos by doing the same… :smiley:

We read The Hobbit and all 3 LoTR books over the phone, starting well before the movies came out and finishing a little after. It was really excellent.

She doesn’t live with me so we talk on the phone each week.

I hope Danny’s daughter learns to ride her new uni and that he posts another video of the feat!

I’m sure both will happen. Just don’t expect it to be next week…

I’m looking forward to being able to make the same sort of posts that Racenut has been making recently.

Danny, all I’ll add here is, my how they grow. Cheers.

Re: Jenny’s First Unicycle

On Sun, 5 Feb 2006 17:01:36 -0600, Danny Colyer wrote:

>She’s 4 today, which means that legally she’s not allowed to drink
>until next year. Besides which, she doesn’t like the smell of BEER.
>So the pint will have to wait a bit longer :stuck_out_tongue:

She’s not allowed to drink? She’ll die of dehydration! And BEER? Why
BEER? A pint is just a weird British volume unit right? If only she
were allowed to drink, you could give her a pint of lemonade.

Good job on the 4yo and the uni though. Congrats!