check this out!
Sasuke is a great show…and Makoto Nagano is my hero.
damn! him, bruce lee, and chuck norris could have taken over the world!
Yeah. The crazy thing about that show is only 2 people have EVER finished all 4 stages. It’s insane. The weird thing is, it wasn’t the olympic trampolinist, professional bodybuilder, full contact wrestler, or insane fireman that won…both of the two guys were fishermen.
I had better take up fishing:D
Also I should note that it’s crab-fishing specifically…I’ve heard that’s one of the most strenuous jobs in the world.
Spiderman, Spiderman
Gets his grip from an aerosol can
Maybe fishermen do more gripping and pulling with their hands. Hand and arm strength would seem to be of major importance for most of those obstacles. Trampoline is mostly legs. Bodybuilding is aimed at appearance, and does not necessarily indicate strength or stamina. Wrestling is strength, but maybe more of an isometric workout, maybe not as suited to those obstacles.
huge crab shortage in alberta:(
map.bmp (243 KB)
Ironically, the people that have gotten to the 4th stage more than a few times were a businessman, gas station owner, I think a comedian, and then a couple firemen. Weird combination.
Obsessed much?
When I live in an age of a gazillion channels and barely anything worth watching, I’ll take what I can get.
10% of the time the weather channel is worth watching:)
You sound like my friend Chris. That’s his favorite channel.
i’d much rather see this than crap like american idol.
To elaborate, not only is it his favorite channel, it’s the only one he can actually name. He doesn’t know what channel any of the other networks are, but he knows the WC. And he loves watching it, too.
so, he would come home after a long week of school/work and sit down to watch the weather channel? or does he not watch much TV?
He doesn’t watch much TV, but a lot of what he watches is the WC.
wow, they just had to include the oversized flying robot:D