Japanese secrets

Check this out japanese secrets

just kiddin (:
it is really really funny

I was wondering if someone would say that. I don’t consider it racist if it is a joke.

Heh, that’s pretty good.

is it true?
… i’m scared now…

oh yes.
Japanese don’t really use sticks to eat…thats just silly.

haha… I go out to Japanese food with my car buddies every week… wait till they see this :smiley:

Note: I’ve always contended that chopsticks must be some sort of inside joke. :stuck_out_tongue:

If it’s racist, it’s racist against Australians. :slight_smile: I thought it was funny. And from my extremely limited Japanese, it did sound like they were saying what the subtitles said. I wonder what the video was made for? Certainly not Japanese people, who know what goes on in Japan and what isn’t a swear word. Maybe made in Australia?

Notice the man had food in his mouth pretty much the whole time he was talking…:stuck_out_tongue:

Yakitori (one of our funniest experiences in Japan for Unicon 12):

I would guess one of those two countries, more likely Australia, they would find it funnier.

hahahahahaha men that is so funny