On Mon, 2 May 2005 22:20:09 -0500, “drewation” wrote (in thread “Jugglers” on RSU):
>whats with james poters avatar?
I wondered that as well. I downloaded the gif to analyse it. It consists of two images, but on the forum screen it also seems to display images from other animated avatars such as yours (drewation) and munimanpete’s. It seems to pick from other people’s animated avatars only if they are on the same screen.
If you rightclick on it, then choose Properties, it displays the Type as “File”. Normal animated gifs display the Type as “GIF Image”. James Potter is again playing a trick on us, after his transparent 100 x 100 gif. Somehow he has embedded code in his avatar or something. Perhaps Visual Basic for Applications? I notice that the first three letters of the filename are vba.
I tried viewing the source but nothing unusual shows up. The avatar is displayed using php but so are other avatars. I’m not an expert on these things. Who solves this?
As I read it, that warning is only for Firefox browsers. But I’m old-fashioned and run IE6. Moreover, I don’t think James Potter would use malicious code intentionally, he’s rather joking around.
Nasty, that. But what does it have to do with the case at hand?
Conclusion: the question about what that anigif does is not yet answered.
All the time? Looks like an avocado to me MOST of the time, but then it changes for a brief period (1 second or so), and seems to pick one still from someone else’s animated avatar. That is the behaviour that puzzles me.
If you modify the malicious parts things may become just funny.
Like I said; I hope nothing!
It was just a pointer to show some possibilities of XXS.
Thats very correct. Has anyone asked it James_Potter yet?
In OS-X-FireFox/Opera/MSIE/Safari and W2k3-NS/Opera/MozI have’nt seen anything else than a transparant image with a very short flashing frame for a split second.
Only in my W2K3-MSIE the image is static.
I have not see any parts of anyone elses avatar.
exactly! (: actually, I have no idea what you’re talking about. it’s supposed to just be an avacado that flashes every few seconds, and nothing more… now I’m gonna sit here for a few minutes and wait to see what else happens.
EDIT okay, sat there for a few minutes, and saw the avacado flash maybe a hundred times… but I saw no other avatar. hmmm, weird…
Ah I see if working propperly now. I think its just some peoples brosers being silly. I think is so short the browser doesnt load it right the first time and loads some other random stuff in there.