Several years ago, at one of many fundamentalist meetings he has addressed, DeLay explained: “He [God] has been walking me through an incredible journey, and it all comes down to worldview. He is using me, all the time, everywhere, to stand up for biblical worldview in everything that I do and everywhere I am. He is training me, He is working with me.”
Well, perhaps not everywhere and perhaps not everything. What did God tell DeLay about those lavish trips and dinners and donations, and about the money funneled to his wife? The actual Bible, which he professes to believe is the word of the Lord, is quite clear on the question. Bribery is strictly prohibited in Exodus 23:8 and Job 36:18, which specifically warns: "Be careful that no one entices you by riches; do not let a large bribe turn you aside."
DeLay once claimed to have been inspired by the writings of Charles Colson, the Watergate felon who found religion in prison. Whatever may become of Abramoff, Reed, DeLay and their luckless co-conspirators, the Colson path will not be open to them. When you've spent a lifetime exploiting religion for profit and power, [B]it's a lot harder to convince anyone that you've undergone a jailhouse conversion[/B].
Ok, I don’t know all the specifics on this one, so don’t source me for college papers, but here it goes:
My friend recenty took a class on how religion has changed through the ages. one interesting point he was talking to me about is that in the bible Jesus talks about the sins of greed (specificly about money) hundreds of times, he refers to sex only twice. (I think).
That is very disproportionate to the amount this stuff gets talked up in the bible I think.
Whoa. Sorry. I mistyped that when I originally posted it, then I went back and edited it as soon as it was posted, but I guess it didn’t work out. I think I must have spaced on it. yeah, sorry. My post is supposed to read:
Ok, I don’t know all the specifics on this one, so don’t source me for college papers, but here it goes:
My friend recenty took a class on how religion has changed through the ages. one interesting point he was talking to me about is that in the bible Jesus talks about the sins of greed (specificly about money) hundreds of times, he refers to sex only twice. (I think).
That is very disproportionate to the amount this stuff gets talked up by modern day TV evangelists I think.
meaning that its funny how greedy preachers (and pretty much all of modern christion standards and anything that is based off of them) have totally changed the bible to suit their own needs.
Another thing my friend was telling me about (although not as applicable to this topic) is that in midevil days, Christ was always portrayed as a powerfull figure, on a throne, or even with a sword! Where as in more modern times Jesus is almost always portrayed at his weakest moment, being crucified on a cross.
It’s just weird how a lot of things people think are very set in stone, are really very arbitrary, when it comes to religion.
If there be justice in this world then those who exploit the public trust so egregiously will be jailed.
They’re basically raping and bombing the poor people of this country and this planet to subsidize and enrich the already-rich and powerful. So, if there be justice, may they have cellmates who practice similar exploitations on their fat, soft, rich, pampered persons. As if!
I agree that Delay, Abramoff, Cheney, Rove, Bush, Rumsfeld, Wolfowitz, Rice, Hastert, (how long should I make this list?) will never be “converted”, but I’d love to see them punished in ways that will actually affect them personally, as opposed to censures, fines, etc, which do nothing at all.