i've written to ea regarding uicycling video games

i am expecting to get a replie sometime in the next two weeks

You didn’t spell like that, did you?


Wow. Why didn’t I think of that. It’s ingenious. Praise God we have people like you.


I wonder if they take requests?

Maybe, if anything, they would incorporate unicycling as some sort of mini game in one of the next Dave Mirra BMX games.

Though it would definately be much cooler if there was a unicycling-only game.

I somehow doubt they’ll reply at all.

Me too :frowning:

i’m shure they will reply…i hope

If they do make a uni game it might get me play compie games!

I hope you paid more attention to your spelling and grammar in the letter than you did in this post…

I agree with Monkeyman and James_Potter…

You won’t have any attention paid to your request if you spelled everything wrong (or phoenetically) [‘shure’ as ‘sure’, and ‘replie’ as ‘reply’].

Can you post the letter you sent them?

Who at EA did you write to? I work at EA in Vancouver – there’s a few of us unicyclists there … but don’t get your hopes up, we don’t have enough clout to get a new game approved.

A unicycle game would be cool, but you’re much more likely to get it from an independent developer than from EA – if EA can’t sell a million copies they won’t be too interested (though maybe if they could just sell a copy to everyone who’s posted to “Most Replys” …)

(speaking only for myself, not EA)




ermmm …Hi?


save the hi’s for this thread.



A unicycle game would be cool, but how do you ask?

"Dear EA,

could you please make a unicycle video game?
