I've been flamed!

ok it’s not me

at school i go on unicyclist when it rains and when i am bord so i have made the pc learn my ip address so tom.w a.k.a benchambersia… wenton after me but got logged in as thinuniking i know it is very hard to belive but that is the honest truth. also a some more “proof” look a the spelling i admit i can’t spell and if you ever read my threads you can see the lack of correct long words then look at benc… posts+pm they have long words spelt right i can bet i have made a mistake in this post i know it is hard to belive.
the real ben chambers

Re: ok it’s not me

Whenever on a public computer (or Rhysling’s computer) be sure to Log Out at the end of your session.

Either click on “Unicyclist Community Forums” above or “Forum Jump” below then “Forums Home”. Once at Forums Home click on “Log Out” on the bottom right.

Hopefully your username and password do not auto-fill for any user.

I alway log off on my work PC.

thinuniking, would you be so kind then to give him a whack with your unicycle and my best regards?

(sorry if i think violence is the answer, but i recently watched the texas chainsaw massacre and i realize the only way to solve real-life problems is to hit people with hammers. it makes sense if you think about it.)


LMFAO. That picture doesn’t prove anything, anyone can right click and save an image they find on a soft porn site, probably found in the previews for a porn site. Ben/Tom you should go and confess on the Split personalities thread, even though you have denied the connection previously. By not signing out you gave Tom (if he’s not you) the perfect opportunity for us to think he is you. Are you sure Mike “he will not walk if he talks to him” is not you too? Three personalities: Mike, Ben and Tom, who are going to incapacitate each other for insulting themselves! Calm down eh Tom/Ben… if you quit calling people retards your presence will be more welcome, and if you really don’t like us then go somewhere else which satisfies you better.


if you do not belive me then that is up to you but if gilby would just ban benchambersisa… there would be no more nasty posts plus if it possible to prove i sent all of his posts to the spam bin.i told gilby to any way.so why would i send my own posts to the spam bin + you can ask sarah miller and phil if the one and only thinuniking does unicycle!!!
ben chambers not benchambersisatard!
{edit} to zach i am more of a sharp objects mad “where is that swiss army knife?”

I am Ben Chambers

Do not listen to ‘thinuniking’- he is delirious and has quite clearly gone mad (for proof of this take a look at his spelling).
I can also tell you that he is in fact a bike rider, not a unicycle rider, as he recently sold his unicycle to pay for a Saracen dual suspension mountain bike. And yes Rowan, Ben is the evil, manipulative split of my personality and would kill you all but for my gentle guidance and firm but fair punishments- you have a lot to thank me for. I prefer not to think of Mike though, as he was the third split personality before Ben brutally killed him with a piece of toilet roll. Don’t worry, he was dealt with for that, and could not sit down on his new mountain bike for weeks.
Rowan and zach_jucha, I have now broken free from Ben, and thus will no longer insult you unless you provoke me to. Look out for threads from ‘thinuniking’ however, as he could strike with a vicious insult at any given moment in time.
By the way, to all Everton fans in the community, eat Tottenham’s victory- 3-0, ha, ha!

hmm, i don’t know what to think anymore. well, ban the both of them, problem solved.

this thread is now about coonskin caps.