I got these today as PMs from benchambersisaretard. Just thought I’d share.
Has anyone else been treated to his wit? Apparently despite his claims to the contrary he doesn’t have a real grasp of the word “communicate”. Actually despite my politically contentious comments here, this is the first time I’ve been personally assaulted via PM.
It’s a shame actually to see that sort of short-sightedness in conversation or, for this matter, accusations. It really takes all kinds to make up a colorful world, the kind that we thoroughly enjoy here in the forums. You have a very intellectual and forward-thinking style while others have styles as varied as there are numbers of grains of sand at the beach. What makes for fun is to see these styles collide in conversation in the forums and as a result create very colorful and thought-provoking threads. As old as we are and for as long as we’ve been around this world, I think we can appreciate these human tendencies. Others will develop apprecaition in time so be patient.
To quote an old Avery & Marsh church tune, “Different is beautiful, God bless variety.”
This is from the same guy to me entitled “Man You Suck”
benchambersisaretard: My usual nebulous posting habits have actually gotten me somewhere this time: An enlightening PM from someone I don’t personally know and would never care to either. I’ll cast aside any implications of respect I’m supposed to have for you and post my reply here. Even though you are obviously not deserving of a reply I am not so cowardly as to back down or to speak where no one else can see like you.
You apparently have a destitute void to fill in your life shown by your efforts to masturbatorily attack someone you don’t know from behind your computer monitor and the fact that you advertise both your allegedly attractive girlfriend and superlatively “interesting” life which might as well be nonexistent to people you yet again, don’t know. This presents that you are the one lacking in a fulfilling existence, something you state I need, because apparently your quintessential euphoria is the product of simplistic animal/material self concern; the behavior of most in a failed society. This is reflective in your self promoting words which are the result of such degeneration. Your motivation is pleasing yourself and it is through destroying others. Resulting in a masturbatory fantasy where my life is inferior and yours is superior. Note of course that your pretentious evaluation is also the product of popular thought, or more precisely, popular lack of thought. So your words mean even less to me because they aren’t from you the person but rather you the machine, shown in more then one way. However, I must end here because practically every word you typed resulted in some fallacy or another so it would be a waste of time for me to discuss what exactly my response is to your message as a whole, but I will respond with this: You and most likely your girlfriend too are pieces of meat that my only message to is: wake up.
I think some of these folks don’t ride they just want somewhere to vent. Too bad, the guy is verbose enough to at least make a good ride write up. Sorry to see you fall victim to nonsense like this. Hopefully, like adolescence, it will be soon outgrown.
I don’t think you can blame his imaginary girlfriend for his demeanour, nor being asleep at the keyboard. Everyone is a piece of meat in a sense, but most people have functioning brain meat which enables them to show some respect. This guy is obviously obsessed with Ben Chambers, and is probably in love with him but doesn’t know how best to express it, scared that Ben may not feel the same. You see how he imitates Ben’s name as if it’s his own (imitation is apparently the sincerest form of flattery). When Raphael made a comment about Ben’s grammar, Ben’s self confessed gay follower defended him vehemently, displaying his loyalty and affection, wanting to be the only one to criticise Ben’s writing abilities.
I think it’s funny how he claimed to be about to be in such a hurry to go out surfing, and yet stuck around long enough to privately tell someone else the same thing, probably while “surfing the internet” beach. I doubt he ever made it to the real beach. The gender and species of the so called “girlfriend” is anyones guess.
Man, you guys have all the luck. I guess I’m so uninteresting that even the flamers don’t want to flame me. I guess I’ll go surf the web with my imaginary girlfriend. (Sigh)
Don’t stoop to his level, send him to me! He is an offensive idiot and you are ill equipped to deal with his ilk due to good breeding and hygene. I, on the other hand, suffer not from the aforementioned maladies; wrasslin’ in the mud suits me fine.
Jealousy is a sin you little twats, just because you have no girlfriends and are frankly jealous of my superior greatness you tell everyone the girlfriend is not real. Poor sods, I would feel sorry for you if i actually had time for your lameness, retards.
To satisfy your curiosity, i have attached a picture of my girlfriend (look, she even posed for you). Please do not masturbate over the picture, please you sad retards.