IUF World Records Committee

Lieber Freunden/Innen

Ich wollt eigentlich dieses Post uebersetzten, aber es klappt nicht. Deutsch kann ich gut lesen und sprechen, aber das Schreiben ist noch was. Est tut mir leid. (Ich will bestimmt nicht etwas wie “I’m a donut” sagen. :wink: Verstehest Du?)

Trotzallem, Ihr konnt bestimmt das alles lesen. So jezt geht’s los:

As most of you know, Andy Cotter is the Chair of the IUF Rulebook Committee. Andy is preparing for his Alps Unicycle Tour and has asked me to make this request in his stead.

On about May 16, 2005, the Rulebook Committee passed Proposal 13: IUF World Records to establish an IUF World Records Committee. (You can read the proposal here.)

Some of the tasks of this committee are spelled out in the proposal itself, while others will need to be determined by the World Records Committee after it is created. The second order of business for the committee is to develop a charter to establish a set of objectives and an approach to accomplish them. This task is specified in the proposal itself.

The first order of business, however, it to recruit talent for various roles, including committee members, advisors, etc. And that brings us to the purpose of this post…

If you would like to volunteer to work on or with the World Records Committee, please first read the proposal and comments, and then send me an email at public_account at birdknob dot com.

It would be difficult to overstate the importance of the work of this committee in the effort to legitimize unicycling as a self-administered sport among sports. Developing our own credible and viable approach to world records is an important step for us. It will sometimes be hard work, but it will be greatly rewarding.

The IUF and Rulebook Committee have a number of goals for this committee. One very important goal is that it is representative of the IUF. Thus, the IUF and Rulebook Committee have a strong interest in international representation on the World Records Committee in both committee membership and advisory capacities.

In addition, however, there are a number of “technical” issues that will likely confront the committee, technical in both the cycling and computer senses of the word. Having talent available to engage when needed will not be a luxury. It will be a necessity.

Please feel free to include in your email any information about yourself that you think might be helpful.



Wir haben leider noch nicht von der Deutsche Einrad Gemeinschaft gehoert.

I know there are great unicyclists and great minds here, because I studied Political Sociology in Deutschland for several years, z.B ich war Student an der Uni HD mit Rainer Lepsius, der Uni MA mit Max Kaase, auch Mitarbeiter beim Berlin Wissenschaftzentrum mit Hans Dieter-Klingemann, usw. Zuletzt war ich ein Jahr in Potsdam, waehend meine Frau an der Freie Uni Berlin studiert. Ich war auch damals laufer fuer Uni HD so wie fuer L.A.G. Obere Murg im Schwarzwald. So I know the talent exists.

In addition, I think it is very important to have input into the International Unicycling Federation World Record Committee from the German Unicycling Community.

Lass man hoeren! Bitte, schick mir ein Email: public_account at birdknob dot com.

Plus, once I get some feed back, perhaps I’ll stop punishing you with my awful German. :wink:


P.S. Feel free to write in German or English. I read German better than I write it. :slight_smile: (Muss man hoffen.)

P.S.S. As you might guess, I never passed the PDS. (I think that’s what it was called.)