It's National Women's Month in the USA--How are you celebrating?

National Women’s History Month was initiated by the National Women’s History Project (NWHP), a nonprofit educational organization founded in 1980 to “promote gender equity through education about women’s diverse lives and accomplishments.” The organization was an outgrowth of a 1978 California committee formed to address the lack of inclusion of women’s history in the educational curriculum of K-12 schools. IN 1981, the NWHP successfully lobbied lobbied Congress to declare a Joint Congressional Resolution for “National Women’s History Week.” Congress expanded the celebration to an entire month in 1987.

Does your nation have Women’s Month? Why or why not?

I think we get the other 11.

I’m treating them with respect like usual.

Excuse me while I go hug a woman.

Very wise young man!

i’m wearing a belt with a heavier buckle. :smiley:

no, that’s just horrible. :frowning:

I’m celebrating by being a woman.

I’m celebrating by ogling women.

I’ll be singing this classic little tune for my lady:

I’ma serenade my honey with a lovely little ballad:

Easier for you than for me!

Check your PMs

I’m celebrating!
But, I celebrate if every month.
March is just a special month where we, women, get more presents.
Just it.


You have National Women’s Month in Brazil?

What kind of presents have you gotten?

My father always gives me chocolate on Women’s day!

Is there a “Lady’s Month” as well?

I celebrate by allowing the women of the world to make sweet sweet love to me… all of them…

but only for this month…

So come and get it… ladies :sunglasses:


i turned into a martian…EVERYDAY is my day!!! This world is mine to own!!

I’m celebrating by having an affair.

We don’t have a Womens History Month here, just the one day on the 8th. Why, I don’t know, but why not celebrate anyway?

I think I’ll pick up the kids early so we can get home, take our time and have fun cooking something good for dinner.

That thought wouldn’t have entered my granddads head ever. Luckily for him he didn’t know what he was missing.