we all know unicycling greatly stimulates the mind and spirit but what advantages does it pose for the body?
which muscles does it define? does good posture result? etc etc
talk people!
we all know unicycling greatly stimulates the mind and spirit but what advantages does it pose for the body?
which muscles does it define? does good posture result? etc etc
talk people!
calloused balls
better muscles er duh…u know bigger arms, shoulders, abs, bigger leg muscles…
lets see… my legs have gotten huge, my arms are more defined and my right arm is bigger than my left arm because I only use my right arm to hop with, my 8 pack is coming back again and becoming more defined, my posture tends to be better (unless I’m sitting in front of the computer and trying to relax) my back muscles are stronger(too strong if you ask me, they’re pulling my back out of alignment). I’ve pretty much improved every muscle in my body somewhat.
Mostly my balls are less sensitive.
is it bad if mine are more sensitive…
Well you did have a pretty bad accident concerning them.
Well considering that you are constantly peddaling, it builds up leg muscle which makes you want to ride more which is also a good thing.
weak leg muscle + unicycling = strong leg muscles.
Unicycling is good for:
The brain
The heart
The legs
The arms
The head
The hands
The feet
The skin (don’t ask why)
The eyes
The hair
The finger nails
The gut
The ears
The sense of balance
The back
The nose
The arss
The iside
Unicycling is NOT good for:
The flab
The clothes
The fertitlity
The balls
As you can see the goods outweigh the bads by far…