Its a little early.. but rate my progress!

ok well i got my unicycle on saturday so ive had it for three days.

This is what ive acomplished:
1.Rode somewhere from 75-100m using a static mount, or whatever it is when you get on without holding onto anything
2. Can static mount almost without failure
3. Rode down 2 consecutive curbs and kept going, first curb 10 cm, second curb about 20cm
4.Can idle for about 3 seconds

Nice job! You are learning fast. It took me about a week to learn to freemount (static mount) and ride forward (100 meters+)

niiice… when you sau odle for 3 seconds how many like rocks is that? or are you doing still stand?


im rocking not a still stand id say about 4
im really not sure actually i havent been working on it much how fast should i be doing? use an example other than 3 seconds…

Here is a video of idling. One idle is rocking back and forth one time. An example would be idle 25 times with left foot down.

Try this if link doesnt work.

That’s a good example, only make sure that you don’t try to go as fast as Leo does at the end!!! :astonished:

You’re certainly learning a lot faster than I did. I think after three days my best effort was probably around ten feet.

Re: Its a little early… but rate my progress!

On Mon, 25 Jul 2005 20:48:12 -0500, “Hermit” wrote:

>ok well i got my unicycle on saturday so ive had it for three days.
>This is what ive acomplished:
>1.Rode somewhere from 75-100m using a static mount, or whatever it is
>when you get on without holding onto anything

You can obtain an “objective” rating of your progress using this:

Klaas Bil - Newsgroup Addict

I ride like a princess. - john_childs