It's A Bugs World

Need help from all you closet entomologists. We have a cherry tomato plant coming along nicely on our back porch. This afternoon, Mary discovered a pretty neat bug taking a respite on one of the leaves. We don’t know what it is. I’ve tried to search, but there seems to be a fairly big database of bugs of the world.

Anyone recognize this little fella?

no idea, but it looks funky!

Wow. Whatever that is, it’s gorgeous. If Chad were there he would know how to kill it.

I dont like bugs much, but that one is quite colorful. Is the bug eating the plants, or just hangin’ out?

It seems to be just hanging out. Mary wanted to know the same thing…is it eating her tomato plant.

My sister says it’s a leafhopper. She says they come in many colors. I’ll have to check to see if she’s right.

That didn’t take long. It’s a red banded leafhopper per my sister’s email that I just received.

lol if you look a little deeper a lot of those people on flicker had the same issue at finding out what it was…

Thats a good picture of one too. I wonder what other colors they actually come in?

Now that the mystery is solved, here’s another. I’ve posted this before so those who have seen it, no fair telling. :slight_smile:

What is this?


“play-dough” alien???:slight_smile:

They are not all as cute.

I looked at the pictures and description. “Eeewww”
[I]“Leafhoppers have piercing sucking mouthparts, they feed on plant sap and can transmit plant-infecting viruses and bacteria.”

“Leafhoppers are often responsible for the spread of plant pathogens especially viruses and phytoplasmas.[1] In some cases these plant pathogens are also pathogens of the insect themselves, and can replicate within the salivary glands.”[/I]

Another great photo.