It must be the music!

(I hope you don’t mind)

Does anyone here think that “bad music” can change people. For example, if I listened to Marylin Mason, would I want to kill myself? I have always thought the conservatives (and some liberals) saying that music makes people do bad things, commit suicide, etc. ius just ignorant and stupid. Via Sin Tipper Gore!

What about violent video games? They say that kids can lose the perception of what is a video game and what is reality. To me, if you lose that barrier, its not the game; you are insane.

I think both of these are false controverseys. Rap and rock music are being betrayed as “evil.” If you cant handle violent games, you need to be in a padded room.

Re: It must be the music!

SWAT team agents are trained to yell two words when confronting a teenager with a gun. “GAME OVER!”

Coincidence? I think not.

Surwe music can be a bad influence on people, and a good one. Just because your music says “F**k the police” doesn’t mean you have to believe it.

We are teenagers, and therefore, easily impressionable. Just make good decisions on what makes an impression on you.

Of course music can change the way you feel or your outlook on life. If it didn’t, why would we bother listening to it? :wink:

Because it’s enjoyable. I don’t listen to my music for the message. I litsen to what sounds good to me.

I find the most important thing to be clear about is the difference between media AFFECTING a kid and DICTATING what the kid does. It seems that the news, law makers etc. lately have gotten on the bandwagon of the latter. If a kid breaks significant laws (murder, etc) then they obviously have some gaps in the societal norm for morals. This leads into a whole ‘nature vs nurture’ debate, on which I sit in the middle. And part of anyone’s upbringing (at least nowadays) is the mass amounts of influence from music, movies, etc. Most people are able to deal with these in productive ways and see them for satire, cathartic releases, and so forth. Some people can’t. Those are the ones that would be pushed to violence through any other occurance in their lives anyway.

Well, I believe that people (such as teenagers and young kids) are affected by everything going on around them. SO sure, music could affect you in a positive or negative way, but it is up to you whether or not to let it. I listen to a lot of punk (I own most of GG Allin’s records, just to let you know where I stand on the punk thing), industrial, and metal. I don’t kill things or hate the government (or think cops suck :stuck_out_tongue: ). So really, I would have to agree with waht GTEye said. He pretty much hit it dead on.

Dude, I know you said that the music has nothing to do with your views, but quite honestly, I don’t believe it at all. I think it has a lot, if not all to do with it. I mean really; you are 14 and probably live with your parents in the suburbs, or at the very least the outer city limits. You most likely aren’t in a situation that allows you to experience corruption or extreme mistreatment. Getting kicked off of a park bench isn’t oppression man. It has to be coming from somewhere. Kinda like the white suburban kids that swear they are black and from the ghetto. It is definately the music and the times.

But then again, maybe you are. I don’t really know. I could be wrong.

edit- nah man, i dont mind about you making a thread. It’s cool by me. Just so long as it stays civilized and no one starts talking smack. THat isnt what I am here for.

The things we surround ourselves with effect who we are.