It is a myth that macho MUni compensates for small penis size

Dear Billy,

Your thread quality level has dropped to an all-time low. I’ve conducted several surveys that show your approval rating has dropped to 37%. I’ve also received an overwhelming number of PMs saying “What’s up with Billy lately?” God only knows why they are writing to me, but it’s almost a full-time job to respond to each PM personally (to all who have taken the time to write to me – I will get back to you – please be patient.)


Take a few pointers from the kids* who are making high-quality threads, such as…

How do you handle your data?

Your thoughts on Christmas

[THREAD=61266]Do you ‘dislike’ fat people?[/THREAD]

[This is not sarcasm, by the way. With limited time, these are the threads I choose to read.]

All are examples of the quality level you should strive for. Notice how each one starts with an introductory post that asks engaging questions that lead to meaningful and interesting discussion about a well-chosen topic? This is your goal.

Let the record show that our younger members are creating excellent threads. Don’t buy into the stereotype that kids create pointless threads.

    • kids and young adults