It is a myth that macho MUni compensates for small penis size

Phallocentrism (worshipping the big penis) has reared its ugly swollen drippy head recently on the JC forum. In this instance, it was used as a weapon to belittle persons who suffer from homophobia (fear or hatred of homosexuals, including the fear that they themselves are gay/lesbian). This occurred in the “freedom of speech and religion” thread. I’m all for helping to enlighten these poor ignorant homophobic souls, but let’s not use ANOTHER bigotry to do it with.

I understand how easy it is to slip into this one, and I don’t seriously think any of us unicyclists believe there is any relationship between ACTUAL penis size or masculinity and homophobia (so please don’t feel accused by me). But if we start talking this way, even in fun, one of our young impressionable unicyclists may misunderstand and believe there is some actual relationship between penis size and something else.

If you google “penis size prejudice,” the first thing that comes up is a white power site run by Conservatives, who equate smaller penis size with higher IQ, social order, law-abiding, race, etc. All myths. Such myths about penis size work in different directions, to make positive or negative claims for it.

Because ignorant religious folk claim GOD suffers from homophobia and hatred, this came up recently in a religion thread. Here’s a recent conversation from the “freedom of speech and religion” thread:

Here we slip from the claim that homophobia may be caused by insecurity about manhood or manliness (which could be imagined or based in real penis size–no firm claim about actual penis size yet) to making it about real penis size, by saying people who use small condoms ARE insecure AND homophobic.

This can come back to bite you. Look at the myths that people who ride motorcycles lack something big and powerful between their legs, or loud pipes compensate for a small penis, performance cars for men who can’t perform, macho MUni compensates for a small penis. All myths.

PS: When I use the word “ignorant,” as in “ignorant religious folk” or “ignorant homophobe,” I mean nothing pejorative by it. I use it in the objective sense of simply lacking knowledge. If this were connected with penis size, there would be little hope for these folks. Since it’s not, they are capable of learning. Thank GOD!

What about people like me who buy XXXL Magnums? :roll_eyes:

So this basically says that… people with a large penis aren’t good at anything except having a large penis?

where did you get that being insecure about manliness had something to do with penis size?

(now I may consider this: being unable to buy a Hummer do I compensate with the biggest tyre I can get for my Muni :smiley: interesting idea but in that case you can make any funny head-shrinking assertions about people who love big cushion-like things)


It is a known fact that post verbosity is inversely proportional to penis size.

This thread should have been saved for April 1.

Billy, you know what they say: “A Myth is as good as a mile.”

Here’s the truth, and an interesting spin on the same truth (don’t forget to print and clip the ruler).

Well, Billy, you must have big balls to have posted that.:smiley:

Didn’t read the über long post. But to answer the question in the title:

that reminds me of the well-known story about the waif who had 7 wifes and 77 children.

… I have a large penis and im good at plenty of things:D :stuck_out_tongue: :smiley: :stuck_out_tongue: :wink:


You mean: Big post (on forum)=little penis?

Dear Billy,

Your thread quality level has dropped to an all-time low. I’ve conducted several surveys that show your approval rating has dropped to 37%. I’ve also received an overwhelming number of PMs saying “What’s up with Billy lately?” God only knows why they are writing to me, but it’s almost a full-time job to respond to each PM personally (to all who have taken the time to write to me – I will get back to you – please be patient.)


Take a few pointers from the kids* who are making high-quality threads, such as…

How do you handle your data?

Your thoughts on Christmas

[THREAD=61266]Do you ‘dislike’ fat people?[/THREAD]

[This is not sarcasm, by the way. With limited time, these are the threads I choose to read.]

All are examples of the quality level you should strive for. Notice how each one starts with an introductory post that asks engaging questions that lead to meaningful and interesting discussion about a well-chosen topic? This is your goal.

Let the record show that our younger members are creating excellent threads. Don’t buy into the stereotype that kids create pointless threads.

    • kids and young adults

You should also examine the meaning of verbosity more closely.


You have just marked yourself as a real oddball. Take it from me, someone who is PROUD TO BE NORMAL, you are stuck on some threads that are way OUT there.

Wow! Raphael, that’s a fascinating suggestion. Let’s do that together! (he said with dry sarcasm).

Love, Billy

Oh, darn. And I try so hard to keep it a secret. :thinking:

Why should I? I think I’ve mastered it sufficiently.

That was actually directed at Billy. Sorry for the confusion, Dave.

Hey, come out of the closet! Don’t keep your freak light under a bushel!

And to Raphael and Dave: Stop being such a downer! Are you suddenly devoid of creativity? Why curse the darkness when you can light a candle?

So many other seemingly “dull” threads have served as a springboard for other conversations.

That’s why this forum is called “JUST conversation.”

I believe what we’re dealing with here is a misunderstanding of how conversations develop.

Billy, have you ever wondered why you have to try so hard to keep your threads going? Controversy is good to a bit of a discussion rolling, but it takes much more to keep its momentum up.

Good threads develop organically. By attempting to make a best-thread-ever you are forgetting about this time honoured tradition and jinxing any chances you might have of creating a truly epic thread.

Power and equality.


Yes! I get it! And we obviously have a great deal of consensus with the title of this thread. I get it. Everyone sees things the same way I do, so there’s really nothing to discuss. No controversy here.

A conversation might develop organically when you say, for example, “Good threads develop organically.” and someone else might say: Yes, just like good food. But no one would ride an organic unicycle. It’s not sturdy enough.

Wow! Thanks for the thread social skills training!!!
