ISIS Vs. Regular

I dont think the spline in itself is that important…
I’m not interested in strength, because i would probably NEVER break a splined crankset, simple as that.

More important thing as i see it is things like…
Do you want q-factor? 1" vs none…
What length do you want them in? Kh/onza is 127/140/150/165, koxx is 110/125/140/160 Profile is 145/160/165/170/175 Qu ax is 127/145/170

Edit: and of course pricing!

Actually, Profile is 145, 160, 165, 170, 175, 177, 180, 182, 185, or 190mm.

I’ll think of that if I’ll get a splined coker muni some day :U

:slight_smile: Unfortunately, a Profile hub of suitable width seems like a near impossibility…

While looking at what’s out there now may determine what you get, it doesn’t answer the question of which spline setup is the best design. With ISIS being a standard, I’m inclined to prefer them, given all other things equal. It means that in the future other companies might make better cranks, that there may be more choices, and that there will actually be replacements available. So why did KH-Onza, Quax, Toker, and Profile not use that? There has to be some reason, hopefully other than customer lock-in, that they went with a different design.

How are these all different and which one is the better design for strength, easy maintenance, non creaking, etc.?

In that photo, i always thought he was using koxx hubs, but i cant really tell cause there is no close up to it, and i first saw it on his profile, so i kinda figure if it was him, on the koxx site, he wouldnt be riding anything except a koxx, well now i gotta go to school so i cant write anything else for another 3 hours lol

It is the Onza hub because at this time (2004) the koxx hub was not avaibel

oh, somehow i missed that in the earlier post lol, anyways im off for school now, cya =p

May I ask where you are getting that price from? (Unless it’s one of those secret deal things, which it probably is.)

the guy at division8 theyre the canadian retailer of koxxone products, he said that it was gonna cost me 170CAD i still have the e-mail if you want to see it.

Excellent. Now to figure out if it is compatible with a DX32 rim and original KH20 (non-splined) frame.

I’ve been looking for a possible inexpensive upgrade for that thing.

EDIT: I was just thinking because that’s cheaper than a KH/Onza hub and crankset from ($250).

it is 36 hole just like the dx rim and it should fit the KH frame…but i would check the frame thing just to be sure…i just sent will at division8 an e-mail and hes gonna tell me where to send the money orders or cheques to…ill report back when i get the info.