Is your dog an opera fan?

For Dogs Only: Laurie Anderson at Sydney Opera
By Alan Sherrod on June 4, 2010 11:22 AM
On Saturday, June 5, performance artist/musician Laurie Anderson and her husband, Lou Reed, will present a concert at the Sydney Opera House in Sydney, Australia, that only dogs can hear. Aarwoooooo, I would just love to not hear this work.

Anderson wrote the piece, a 20-minute work titled “Music For Dogs” and will perform it. The work consists of high-frequency sounds above the range of human hearing, although some elements will be audible–spoken words and string instrumentation. All dogs will be admitted for free.

The recital is part of the Vivid LIVE Festival at the Sydney Opera House. Anderson and Reed are the curators of the 2010 festival which contains a mix of music, theatre, and visual art which “offers bold visions of contemporary American life and celebrates fearless innovation and ambition.”

Thanks for sharing that. :slight_smile:

If I don’t make it as an artist for humans, does that mean I could make it as an artist for animals?

I should start selling paintings for fish…

I thought this was going to be about the web browser.

That’s awesome. My dogs would love it! Or hate it. I’ll have to get out my dogs whistle and see.

my dog would hate it because it doesn’t play videos and is really slow on the wii.

Turns out my cat doesn’t like drum and bass very much.

He is partial to Mozart, however.

If I could bother him to write up his reviews, I could start marketing music for house pets… but all I can expect is some puke on my bedspread once in a while.