Is your car safe?


Its Car Stealin time!!! J/k thats pretty cool though…What with this and the Lock bumping thread were raising a generation of unholy unicycle riding crooks.

Damn I gotta try that :sunglasses:

P.S. I agree

The only bad thing that could come of doing this to your own car is that it could easily create pressure dents in the car body, which would be bad.

They talk about it as a way to get into your car if you lock your keys in and to carry a tennis ball with you, wouldn’t it be easier to carry a spare key?

They sure take up less space! The problem I have with our newer cars (both Toyotas) is they have fat keys with chips in the key head. The car won’t start without one of those keys.

It only works on a few cars and it ain’t as easy as what the video shows. I remember people telling me about this way before I could even drive which was over 8 year ago.

You wont be able to start the car without the key but if you happened to lock your keys in the car this would certainly be worth a try. Also did you watch the how to open car with a cell phone? Assuming this works, you could bail out a loved one that locked the keys in their car if you have a second transmitter for the vehicle, without having to go to their rescue! Pretty cool.

Yeah this technique has been around since the dawn of time, or atleast the dawn of central locking.

Note the car in the video is already dented around the keyhole (you can see it in the reflectiveness around the keyhole).

Yes I could carry a “won’t start” key with me, but what if I lose my other key? Still better than nothing I guess…

Yo, drive an old British car, they are their own anti-theft devices. If you have one, you know what I mean.

i am to young.

I wish I was old enough to drive a car.:frowning:

that’s what I do. It works great.


Isn’t it easier to just not lock your keys in the car in the first place?!

I have a couple (well kindof), and I don’t know what you mean. Both are safe however, we keep them in garages.

definitely. I carry a spare key, but I’ve never locked my keys in the car. Actually, the way my car is designed, it’s impossible to lock the keys in. I still have a spare key though just in case I lose the other one somewhere (which hasn’t ever happened to me either).

What an amazing idea! Now you won’t ever lose them!

Gotta love British ingenuity.

I don’t really see that as comparable; going away for weekend of unicycling involves a lot of different kit and I don’t do it very often. Pedals, helmet, camping stuff, extra shoes and all manner of little odds and sods… you’ve got to remember a whole list of stuff and as it’s not something I do very often it’s easy to forget things.

Going anywhere by car, however, just requires a single set of keys. The list of “things to remember” is amazingly short, and if you drive fairly often it’s just routine. My keys are either in the ignition or in my pocket; the chance of ever locking them in the car by accident is so small as to not really be worth bothering about given that they’re never in the car when I’m not.

The greatest risk of me carrying keys is theft or accidental loss, in which case carrying a spare key would be even worse because I’d probably lose that too.

(Do people carry a spare car battery around with them too? According to the RAC callouts for flat batteries far exceed accidental lockouts, as do many other car issues that could be solved by carrying some spare or other)