Is this traitor-ism to unicyclists?

i admit the deed: i’m going to be unicycling in front of a store tomorrow. in a jester hat. I’M BECOMING A CLOWN!!! i don’t know what made me do it! (well, the gift certificate i’ll get for doing it is nice, but whatever)

sorry, had to get that out of my system. :smiley: do you guys hate me?

begone, and never return!

just kiddin.
that’s actually pretty cool…real clowns are awesome, not just wannabe clowns who aren’t real clowns.

lol yeah. the wannabe clowns are the ones that can’t ride unicycles!

:smiley: do you guys hate me?

yes im sick of peopl sterotyping unicyclist as clowns

Ben and Brad have performed on their unicycles as clowns before. Nothing wrong with performing, unicycling and clowning. The problems arises when someone naively assumes that you are a clown just because you ride a unicycle.

When people ask me if I’m going to join the circus I tell them I’m nowhere close to being good enough to be a real clown. Clowns got mad skillz.

And I’m working on getting them!


Are you getting paid? How can getting paid to ride unicycles be bad for the sport? Clowns are people(ish) too. There are good ones and bad ones.

Quick! Get a shirt, hat or sticker for here and you’ll be on the good side again. If you can wear one of those shirts tomorrow you’ll be more than forgiven.

clowns piss me off, they allways have, allways will, dont know why just everytime i see a clown, i want to punch it in the face

yeah? well keep away from me! :astonished:

very cool! I think Clowns are the bravest people ever.

There was a clown in Pullman (JPotter has probably seen him) Named Slinky. The kids love him. I met him when he wasn’t dressed up once. He’s a immigrant of slavic backgound named "Link, " short for something I don’t remember. Great guy. He helped out at old folks homes a lot too.

Have fun!!

good. very good.

And underneath this it says “Unicycle For Christ”. Aren’t clowns God’s children as well?

well, not because of this…:stuck_out_tongue:

AMEN to that

it is a trader to unicycling… giving us bad rep.

I’ve been a clown… twice(Theatre Show and for some Kids). And a banana(Jamba Juice). and a Black Knight(School Jousting Tourney).

Doesn’t matter who or what you’re pretending to be, you can’t hide the badass inside the unicyclist.

I was a full-on (makeup & costume) clown once, for a clown skit competition at the Michigan State Fair long ago. Our act was so good, the organizers had to change the rules to keep us from winning (so their friends/long-term members of their club could win).

It was all about riding unicycles. The main clown (Ken Krakat, the guy who taught me club passing) started by saying “I want to ride a unicycle. Bring me the biggest unicycle you can find.”
I bring him a 45" big wheel, which he tries and can’t do. He says it’s too big and hands it back to me. I ride it off (he can’t see this). Then he says,
“That one was too big. I need something smaller!”
I bring him a 12" unicycle with very low seat. He tries, which is pretty funny with his big shoes, and gives it back. I ride it off.
“That one was too small. Don’t you have one that’s just right? I know I can ride that!”
I bring him something like a 24" uni. He still can’t ride it. I ride it off.
“Uh, how about a unicycle with an extra wheel, something to help me balance? Yup, that should do the trick!”
I bring him a stacked double-wheeler, which he does a double-take at, rolls his eyes and gives back. I ride it off.
“No, something with two wheels on the ground!”
I bring him a dicycle (two wheels next to each other). He gets on and rides it around. Then I think we finished with some club passing between me on a giraffe and him on the dicycle.

I don’t remember the exact sequence and dialogue, but you get the idea…

hahaha, thats a good skit.

i do some clowning. juggling, tumbling…things of that sort.
oh, and some magic.

but i dont really associate the with my unicycling…even though both entertain people