I have just designed this picture-
I think it’s funny and just perfect
it’s not rude
it pays out walking
and the unicyle guy is having so much fun!!!
I am definately putting it on the nearest t-shirt i can find!!!
No luck with the attachment.
heres the picture… im gonna make a t’shirt!!!
why stroll when you can roll BW small.bmp (65 KB)
that’s pretty darn cool i have to say
i dont think its that great but other people seem to
it would need cleaning up to go on a t-shirt but i like it
I agree with Senor H. Wall…I wouldn’t pay for it, but I’dbe happy to get it as a freebie from a convention or w/e
i agree that it’s not that best, but I wound’nt be able 2 get near to that trying to design a hirt. some people might really like it though.
is he on a bc wheel? the t-shirts okay …