is this bad?

So after a considerable amount of trying, I just recently learned to jump, and after climbing lots of stairs and curbs, I found that my cranks were at an angle because I always jump right-foot-forward. it appears that its the axle thats twisting. i just got my unicycle for christmas, and I’m not sure if this is bad or not. And other that just jumping left-foot-forward, how do I reverse this?

buy a new uni that is stronger…

it just means you got a crappy uni and you should get a splined hub and crank set it is bad but you can still ride it isn’t that big of a issue you can keep jumping the way you are and you are likly to improve

its a torker, so im pretty sure its of at least moderate quality

torkers r more low end if u have a cx

CX or LX

If it is the LX i dont think it would be bending by going up and down stairs and curbs, unless you are putting tons of force into a 2-3inch hop.

yeah…its a CX

That’s why, I would either get an LX, online you can find one from 50 to 80 dollars, so you dont have to spend 100 something at a shop, and even with shipping, you’ll still get it for cheap, actually, there’s some good unis being sold by yoopers or on the trading post here you could probably get for a great price.


You can save up a little more and buy a nice trials, like the nimbus hoppley, or a Torker DX those two are rather cheap.

are you really 6 years old??

yep, im the world’s only computer-using, unicycling 6 year old. and i’m half banana.

hey welcome to the crappy uni club haha.
well, not all my unis are crappy.
just my trials uni.
i also have a torker that i got 3-4 years ago that i have been doing trials on.
they didnt bend that easily though. it took some picnic tables and stairs to twist em.
oy. i need a new trials uni.

this happened to me. your screwed. get a trials. the end

It’s not a crappy unicycle. If it were a trials uni it would be crappy, but it’s just a regular, low-priced unicycle. “Regular” unicycles aren’t made for thousands of hops.

Try to avoid bouncing with your feet the other way. If it’s truly your axle that’s twisted, doing this will only hasten your axle’s demise. Best to avoid hopping on it as much as possible, or let it die and replace with a stronger hub. Or same quality hub and just use that one for flatland riding, or teaching new riders.

wait … if it is a torker CX you should have a one year warranty on everything and a lifetime warranty on the frame (the way torker does things) :slight_smile: go to your local (torker dealer) bike shop and get a brand new axle for free!!

you can look for a dealer on the torker website and you might need to register it b4 you go get a new axle

edit: torker website =

Did you take it off any big drops or has it just slowly bent on little jumps over time?

The reason I ask is that I thought I had done the same thing to my unicycle, but it was repairable. The pedal was kind of bend off to the side, and when I took off the crank I noticed that the axle wasn’t bent at all. What had happened was the bolt that holds on the crank had loosened without me realizing, and the repeated jumping had worn a crooked notch in the crank so that when it was on tight, it appeared bent. After some careful filing I put it back on and it was pretty much as good as new. Just something you might want to investigate…

i suggest not doing this (as it would void the warranty most likely) and just take it to a torker dealer or w/e as soon as you can

You should also take off the cranks and have a good look at whether it is the axle that is bent, or the cranks. If it’s the cranks you can just buy a new set.

If it is the axle then what to do depends on whether the uni is still rideable or not. If it is then just keep riding it, but go easy on the hopping or you will bend the axle even more.

If it’'s not rideable then you need a new hub and wheel-build, which is a pain, but not too bad.
And if you want to keep hopping, especially off drops, then save up for a new uni with a splined hub.

well its certainly not the cranks, but i thought that the axle was stronger than that. i think its probably the nut coming loose like spudman said