Is this a kh fusion or kh gel??

hey i just got my " kh gel seat" and i dont know if it is a gel one, i think it may be a kh fusion… so help me identify. does the kh gel say fusion on the back?? ( cuz it might be the kh gel fusion or something i dont know)
i will post pics of it in like 10 minuits.

any one else have pics of their kh gel?

here is some pics

is it a fusion

or does the gel saddles have this too?

did you got it from bedford?

because on his price list it said its a kh FUSION GEL seat… and there is no kh gel seat or its maybe the new kh fusion… I dont know

how do you like it because im planning on getting one really soon?

which one did you order?

Does it feel like gel when you squish it? Since it’s a fusion cover you might as well slip off the cover real quick and see for yourself.

yeah i got it from bedford…

It looks like a normal KH fusion saddle. I doubt it’s a fusion gel saddle, I havn’t seen any yet, but it could be possible… Just peek under the cover and see if there’s any foam.


If it is thinner than a normal KH seat but still has the fusion cover than it is the newer kind of fusion seats…I own 2.

ok i am now like 99% sure it is gel cuz i looked on the web site and it said Gel FUSION… so i am almost positive it is gel… i LOVE it!!!

Who cares if it’s foam or gel then, you LOVE it and that’s the most important. Cliche.

why dont you just take the cover off and look. and my gel seat dosint say aneything on the back

It is a gel, I have the same seat with a different coloured cover and It is a fusion gel. The two best ways to tell if you don’t know for sure are by the height and the colour of the insides.

bedford sent me a kh gell to. but kris himself confermed it was a fusion dual density foam one. (much better)

nope i just looked at my seats and i have that exact one and its just a fushion no gel. It looks almost exactly like my gel in shape but the gels back panel dosint rap all the way around and the cover is not removable

i previously had a kh standard seat and this “GEL” fusion i have now is a lot smaller in height.

well i am going to keep it, but there is a 10$ difference and there is no point paying for a gel one if it isnt gel… but i think it is gel i just wanted to make sure…

i think there is a kh gel, and a kh gel FUSION. i am not positive but that is what i am thinking right now.

style fusion (the one that says kris holm fusion)
<----- gel

You’ve got me curious too, open it up and let us know!

It look like Kris Holm Fusion saddle . It looks like Bedford must have got mixed up as I don’t think the Fusion Gel saddle is for sale yet. Maybe Kris could confirm which it is and how to tell them apart (other than taking the removable cover off and seeing if there is a gel insert on top of the foam).


i will send the pics to bedford and ask him…