is there a trick/skill that is as difficult to learn as it was to learn how to ride?
i realise this is a question that may have phrases like ‘the eye of the beholder’ and ‘paradigm shift’ bandied about with great abandon
i’m just curious to see how people feel about this issue
i thought wheel walking was a trick like that.
you gradually work up from not even getting your feet on then 1 metre, 2 metres…and so on. Its taken me longer to learn it, i still can’t do it propally, than it took me to learn to ride.
that might just be me
I was thinking along the lines of wheel walking too… I still can’t go more than a few metres, despite having been trying for weeks. On the other hand, in terms of hours I don’t know… I don’t practise wheelwalking much…
I practiced wheel walking for about 3 minutes on Sunday. It seems to be taking me ages to learn to wheel walk. I’ve been at it for over 7 months with very little to show for it. It seems that practicing for a few minutes every couple of weeks doesn’t cut it.
That’s very true. I’ve been really lazy with my wheel walking, but I think it’s slowly getting there. I’m looking forward to trying to glide and then eventually coast and I think I’ll have quite a bit of trouble with coasting in particular (naturally).
Wheel walking wasn’t that bad. I don’t remember if it took me longer than learning to ride, but I didn’t learn to ride in anything that could be called a “normal” way so it didn’t matter.
But wheel walking backward? That’s a definite winner. Not any fancy way (some of which are easier), just the regular way with your feet on the front part of the tire, pulling toward you with very little traction. I spen what seemed like a whole summer working on that one.
I would have to say gliding. I say that because you have to learn to wheel walk, then with one foot, and finally Gliding. Infact Gliding took longer I think, but the strange thing is I can glide and wheel walk with one foot, but not regular with two feet. I really have know idea why, but from the start wheel walking with one foot seemed easier.
Actually, “repertoire” comes to English via French via the Latin repertorium, so, I should have said, “… the most difficult trick in my repertorium.”, and “too bad if you don’t understand Latin!”