Is there a Dr. in the house?????

I’m just looking for opinion. A few months ago, I twisted my knee at work and ended up with severe pain on the inside of the knee (mostly while I slept). It felt as though someone was sticking a knife in it. Once I get out of bed and walk a little, most of the pain subsides. I when to the company doctor (since it happened on the job) and was diagnosed with a “strain” by on Dr. while another thought that I may have a slightly torn meniscus and placed in a brace. After battling with the “powers to be” at work, I finally got an O.K. to see a specialist (hopefully next week). Here’s the problem: I spent 8 hours on my roof yesterday hammering down a new set of shingles and now my foot just hangs limp. There is no great amount of pain involved but when I walk, it just sort of dangles. If I lay on my back with my feet stretched out, I can not move my right foot and point my toes towards my head. Any ideas???


Go to the hospital.

You may have a problem in your back causing nerve issues in your feet. Go to the hospital. The foot is likely unrelated to the knee.


or go to the hospital

Thanks Blake!!!
The symtoms in that link seem to describe my condition exactly. I guess this old body is falling apart :frowning:

You are very welcome. Get better very soon and please keep us posted! My guess is that you just aggrivated your nerve rather than did traumatic and irreversible damage. Take Ibuprophen and heat/ice to manage any swelling/irritation in your lower back until you can get to an MD.


Get well soon, Kenny! I miss you riding.

Sorry, I would have replied sooner, but I was in casualty, waiting for three hours hours for a Doctor to advise me on how to do a 720 unispin.

I’m a doctor…:slight_smile:

So’s the Pepper…