is the torker unistar lx good

i am looking for a new unicycle and was wondering about the torker lx for trail riding going off picnik tabels

you’d be better off getting an actuall trials unicyle like the torker DX

I’ve never ridden the LX, but as far as I know, it’s not splined, so basically…no.

If you want a cheap, splined uni, that’ll work for nice sized drops and trail riding, get the 24" Torker DX off UDC. I have one, and even though I’m still too chicken for drops over a foot, I’ve heard good things about it for drops up to ~4 feet, and I use it for trail riding.

the dx is to spendy for me 150 is the most i will spend

the dx is to spendy 150 is the most i will spend on my cx i go off 2 1/2foot drops

I use an lx but the only original parts from it are the frame and the seat LOL.

It might be better to save your money then, because if you are doing stuff that bends/breaks your CX, it will only be a matter of time untill you do the same to the LX.

how much is a dx 24’’

same price. I highly suggest saving up, or just don’t do big drops.

is the 24 inch good for free styel to

Assuming you meant to say:

“Is the 24” DX good for freestyle, my dear chaps?"

Then…well, it can be used to learn a lot of tricks, but it’ll steepen the learning curve and take much, much longer to have them be performance-presentable, and some tricks will just be nigh-impossible with it (i.e. piruoettes(sp?)).

get a 20 " DX…good, reliable uni that is for trials and street, but can still be used for freestyling

what about distance and speed

What about them? If you want distance, speed, ability to learn basic trials and basic freestyle, and good offroadin’ capabilities, go for the 24", since they’re both the same price. If you want much more trials capability and a bit easier learning curve with freestyle, and don’t mind the slower speed and slightly tougher muni’ing, get the 20".