is somebody here involved in CG? (koxx3D MODEL)

here it is my last cg work (wip)

is somebody here interested in cg(computer graphic) stuffs?

this one is koxx devil as you maybe can guess

how long did that take you, it looks great.

two days, more or less
i’m making it with an open source app if you mind:

blender (

that is sweet, i always wish i could like make 3d models but i dont have a program to do it, how much does that blender program cost?

It’s open source, so nothing. click the link.

yes it’ s completely free.
it is developped from coders all around the world and has an interesting story.

it is woth a try ven if, at the beginning, it seem quite hard

a small update:

sweet, just needs a seat. you should get together with the guy who was trying to make a uni video game.

Cool are you able to make the wheel spin and everything or is it stuck in one position? If it can move the wheel and stuff you should make a game and call it “THE INVISIBLE UNI RIDERS”

or remake uniracers

i would imagine a seat would be hard to do, but then again i would imagine that whole unicycle would be hard for me to do

I think he can do it. I believe in him.

i can do animations with it, maybe it can be used for tutorials puoropse.

video games are a different matter, you need at least a coder and i can not code, but i would be happy to make garphics fo a video game :slight_smile:

the hardest thing in doing the seat is that i’m still waiting for it :roll_eyes:
i have just buyed this uni but the sadlle was out of stock so i have to wait two weeks for having a reference.

thank you for your comments

I know somewhere on these forums there is a guy working on a uni game. I can’t remember who it is though. If you can find him he would probably be stoked, in fact I’ll search for him for a little while.

I downloaded it but it is soooooooooo complicated.


same here

my brother uses blender and unity game engine

i think it’s safe to say you’re a fair sight better at modelling than him though.

nicely done.

consider that game modelling have to be “lowpoly” for computation reasons.
instead animations and stills you can use a lot of vertex while modelling.

i can help with the basis (maybe on a different forum) if you are interested.

the manual of the sw is also free:

thats cool as !! yeah i have just entered into “Certificate 4 in Design” which covers most areas involving design which has quite a large section on computer graphics and all that!!

So yeah i am just downloading it now!!

some small updates on textures & materials