is myspace down for you?

i cant get on myspace right now, and it is really bugging me because i was supposed to send this girl a message with my phone number so that we could hang out tonight…but now since myspace isnt working i have no way to get ahold of her because i dont know her phone number. ugh.
is myspace down for any of you right now as well?

I get the following message at 11:39PM central

hey everyone! there’s been a power outage in our data center. we’re in the process of fixing it right now, so sit tight. -Tom

Yea, the only reason I’m online right now is because my kid isn’t on My Space!

Nothing can be worse than going down though.

WHOOO! Down with the evil empire!

i only use it to stay in touch with old freinds and things like that, and like tonight the girl i was going to hang out with i went to middle school with. But nope, the site is being lame…
and there is too much lightning to do anything outside right now.

Theres bedlam in the streets of Southern California right now.

MySpace was down yesterday too, and that “news” made it to sites like Digg. Yahoo Mail was also down yesterday.

I’ve not been able to access Gigabyte tonight to check for a graphics card utility. I wonder if they’re hosted in California?

Those Californians need to lay off the AC and unplug that extra refrigerator so the rest of us can surf the net.

Dont you all think its rther pathetic how everyone gets worked up about how myspace is down? Dont people have better things to do then waste hours trying to log in or attempt some way to get in.

I am glad its down, I really dont care its down, I think it should stay down too.

MySpace is teh ebil.

DIE!!! myspace DIE!!!

your reign of terror is over!!!


I thought something weird was going on… for a while I kept getting this feeling that the average quality of the internet had somehow gone up.



(and don’t act like we didn’t see that wheeeeee, mornish!)




dead bunny anyone?

my space was down to day because Iwas on it look at some of my friends acually just one but she counts as more. I hate my space and it is gay even though i have a myspace page

kinda ironic don’t you think?

It took me a few moments to figure out exactly what you were trying to say, Ricky W.

I have a myspace page. I like to keep in touch with some of my friends that went to my old highschool, and it’s nice to know certain things about how they’re doing (when they’re going away to college, where, what they’re doing this weekend, etc.)

some people do spend way(yy) too much time on the site though. A lot of bulletin entries are completely pointless/useless, and I have seen more than a dozen different “tell-me-about-yourself surveys”.

Also, the idea of there being 13 year olds posing as 18/20 year olds is sort of creepy.

I guess this is why facebook exists.

A well aimed 9mm should fix the trick. Make sure you hit the refresh button right on the mark.
Then, take a shotgun to the PC.

This will fix it. Guaranteed.

If I had a nickel…

Pot calling the kettle black?