Is my avatar weird?

Is my avatar weird? Should I change it?
The reason I’m asking this is that Gossi on the german forum said that his first impression was that it looked like a condome…


I had the impression too, for a short moment.

Don’t change it, i think it’s funny :D.


Is that because you Germans only have on thing in mind?:smiley:
Well, I’ll see what some other people think and if the majority of the people who answers think’s that it really looks like a condome then I’ll change it…

It looks like a unicycle wheel to me. :thinking:

Thanks a lot!!!
I really needed to hear that you see… :smiley:

I agree, unicycle wheel, a cool red rimmed one.


ugh. i read that scentence as saying “a cool red riBBed one”

You should get a Team Easy-on jersey to go with the condom unicycle.

Yeah, all I’m seeing is a unicycle too.

Oh Guys,

Of course we all can see an unicycle wheel there.
But one time while I was reading one of Orange’s posts I saw it from the corner of my eye I had the impression and looked at it, of course I realized it’s an unicycle wheel.