Is Johny Hart aware that he created the bc wheel?

Maybe not created, but introduced the name?

EDIT: Was Johnny Hart aware that he created the bc wheel?

Hopefully, yes.

Also, was the impossible wheel created before or after this comic strip came out?

hes dead

ONe less bump

I’ve allways thought his triangular wheel was brilliant. All together now. “It eliminates one bump”.

Wheels with pegs or footplates and nothing else have been around for a hundred years. The BC Wheel name was inspired by the comic strip though. I think the name “impossible” came before that. Then you can try to figure out which came first: impossible or ultimate?

I’m pretty sure Johnny Hart was aware of unicyclists riding things called BC wheels, as they’ve been around for a long time and surely word would have gotten to him.

…and, although I have not played many computer games, humans was one such game. In it cavemen had a BC wheel mode of transport. I always wondered whether it was Johnny Hart inspired. It is an old game, I would guess about the same era as Lemmings, and I played it on the PC. Never met anyone else who has even heard of it though…not that I move much in gaming circles.


That’s interesting. I had always thought ( apparently incorrectly) that a wheel with pegs was the “impossible”, whereas one with lowered footplates was a BC. I guess the footplated BC is easier to ride?


Back in the 80s, the only one I ever saw with footplates was one Tom Miller made (and rode with some poles to keep going). All the others had various types of pegs; mine were from a moped.

As far as ease in riding, I think your distance below the axle is probably the important factor. Though plates must be a little more stable, the balancing is primarily done by the rider.

If anything, the BC name should go with the pegged ones because they look more like the ones in the comic strip. I think there has been at least one person who defined “impossible” as the ones where you stood right at axle level (like BMX pegs), and everything else a BC.

From a market perspective, it looks like Bedford sells the BC and UDC sells the Impossible. The Bedford ones have more R&D into them.

Here Carol McLean says BC stands for “basic coasting.”

One explanation among many, I would imagine.