It should be.
I don’t get it?
I don’t get why you put the canadian flag or the atkins thing in, but are you jumping off or something?
thats not him… zach jucha is secretly saddam hussein. ryan atkins is just some random kid who can hop over buildings in a single bound…on his unicycle.
My science teacher can hop over cars on a uni, but hes never gotten further than 3 ft on one. I’ve always wanted to show myself in the process of falling off a cliff on a uni…
Dude, that is truly art. I don’t get it, but isn’t that what art is all about?
Hey I never thought of it that way James, good point. Maybe he could get it put in an art gallery, good publicity for unicycles, and it’ll be with lots of other stuff that nobody gets.
Yeah, if it makes sense then it’s not that good. For example, lookit this:
Isn’t it obvious that those are horses running in a stampede, perpendicular to a stampede of sheep, drawn from a very turbulent aircraft?
And this one:
It’s a picture of a skinny monk and a fat monk inside of a cave. Because these two pictures made so much sense, they’re not all that good.
I think I would be good at abstract art, I could pait my unicycle tire and ride over some canvas-I could be rich.
There’s not really all that much to get about Zac’s picture…it’s great! Well done.
Well to return your question;
I cant really see what’s on your hands,
but well time flies… just like you.
I suggest you guys find out who Ryan Atkins is, or just buy Universe 2 when it comes out.
Edit: Also, for those who already know what this picture is about (it’s pretty simplistic), that’s from one of Foss’ pictures from the CA MUni weekend. In all of the better pictures of Ryan (in his gallery etc.) his head is cut off and it even was in this one but it was easy to fix. This picture is just my stupid way of being clever, enjoy.
Hardly random, though. Ryan is Canadian, eh? So now you have all the pieces. Ryan Atkins is a Canadian unicyclist who comes closer to hopping over buildings in a single bound than probably anyone. There are some videos of him hopping onto a 1 meter concrete block.