Hi, I was just wondering if it was just me or if anyone else shared the same point of view.I’m amused by travel-sized stuff.One time at camp, there was a little copy of a big (normal sized) paper.It was stapled onto my notebook (which, unfortunately, was big) by one of those mini-staplers, I was amused. When I told everyone else I had been amused by that, they thought I was just plain weird. Is it just me?
I like loopholes and oxymorons!
I noticed Spongebob Squarepants has a unicycle. And rides it. It’s not just any unicycle. It’s a giraffe. He calls it “his bike”. And he free mounts it. And it’s not just any free mount. He suicide mounts it. And smiles through the whole process! In other words, Spongebob suicide mounts his giraffe while smiling and calls it a bike.
Hey, how come everyone loves Mickey Mouse and hates mice? If you daydream at night, what will it be called? If someone goes to sleep in the afternoon, should you say “Good Afternoon” to him/her? Any more stupid questions?
why are there locks on convenience stores that are opened 24/7?
Why are hot-dogs sold in cans of eight, yet hot-dog buns are sold in packets of six?
interesting in the uS hot dogs are usually in packs of 10 but buns in packs of 8.
I normally look to make sure there are as many buns in a pack as there are hot-dogs…any usually there are 8 of each in a pack…though I did see a pack of about 40 hot-dogs the other day, my first time in BJ’s (which is a wholesale place like Costco).
slugs shrivel up when you introduce them to salt :p…
Why are you eating canned hot dogs?
how does a fish know when its thirsty?
How come no one likes jokes about killing babies?
Why is the third hand on a watch called the second hand?
HAHAHAHA best one so far!!!
How come, when I’m looking for something I’ve misplaced, I always find it in the last place I look.
lol XD
If cess means “luck”, why does cesspool mean “covered hole or pit for receiving drainage or sewage”?
Why do people in cars lean forward to better read roadsigns? Moving towards it at 70mph, what difference is a few extra inches?
Whos idea was it to advertice shampoo as “The best protection you can get”?
If I was feeling threadened I’d have to be desperate before I turned to a bottle of soap for protection.
i just love those ‘pocket size dictionarys’ that would only fit in a massively huge pocket that rarely exists and you would need a jacket or pair of trousers with just one great big pocket covering it to actually be able to fit one in
Because, if you kept looking for it after you found it, people would wonder about you.
why are all these people asking such strange questions, that’s what I wanna know
What does VVV stand for?
obviously not…
their pointing at the brain
the beeswax on the didjeridoo cured my chapped lips