Is God racist?

We already know that God is homophobic as observed by the number of his followers who keep trying like limit gay rights, but is he racist too?

We all know that Christianity is the correct religion and that all non-christians are doomed to hell (Theists and atheists alike).

Christianity has over 2 Billion members, but there are over 6.6 billion people on the planet, and over 4.6 billion of them are going to hell.

If we look at this map, we see that non-christians are disproportionaly non-white. This means if you are asian, african, or middle-eastern, you are likely doomed to the eternal inferno.

Why does god hate non-whites?


I’ve never really thought of myself as a racist… You must be thinking of some other God.

BTW, if the Christian god hates all non-whites…why are all the areas conquered by some European group or another Christian, including South America in it’s entirety?

That’s one of the more random things I’ve seen here for well, at least a week!
If the other 4.6 are doomed to hell because they don’t follow Christianity, are you doomed to their equivalent of hell because you don’t follow their religion? In that case are we all doomed after death?
I must be extra doomed because I have no heaven to go to… just every hell imaginable :astonished:

wierd, cause if god created man in his image and Homo Sapiens Sapiens was originally dark skinned why would god prefer whiteys?

Nah, what we do with Atheists involves hitting them with a baseball bat until they yell out something that SOUNDS like a religion.

We base their afterlife off of that.

You’ve mistaken an idol for GOD, common mistake.

It’s in NYC

You’re talking about “scientific evidence” that points to some beings that “existed” tens of thousands of years ago.

But God created the Earth was created four thousand years ago. These beings never really existed.


I’m sorry, you’re mistaken. I’m talking about God as understood by Christianity.

Because historically they had little or no money to give to the church. :slight_smile:

Like Billy The Idol? :slight_smile:

To me, the funny thing is that Christianity wasn’t even invented by white people. But from the start of the colonization of my continent, white people considered people of color to be something less than whatever they were. But I don’t think God told them to do that…

You kinda sound like BTM.

Perhaps run as his VP?

No more god threads!

There are to many!

Make your point in one of them instead of positng another.

I’m sorry, you’re mistaken. You’re talking about the GOD as understood by so-called christians, not true christians.

God just left some in the proverbial oven for to long. I mean, when you burn something, do you keep it? I don’t think so.

Haha, thats bad. Just kiddin’

Wrong question. According to this chart on PBS, a higher percentage of the Black and Latino urban parents with infants attend church than White parents.

Shouldn’t you be asking why does God hate white American parents?

This made me laught.:smiley: I tell you why christians are mostly white: When Paul the Apostle started to adulterate christianity he obiosly chosed to do it in Roman empire, because it was center of the world.

He made it very well and in 313 really big part of romans were christians.
In that year a roman emperor Konstantinus the great decisided to stop hunting christians. About 70 years later another roman emperor Theodosius decisided to make christianity the only legal religion in the empire.
After that moment christianity were the most important religion in the Europe.

Europians took chriatianity with them where ever they get. North-America, Australia and they also converted the south-America and the south-Africa, because they took many colonies from there.

North-Africa and Arabia are not christian places, because Islam was powerful force against christianity. After the crusades christian world hasnt been interested about converting thoes places.

China and India are not christian places, because europian found thoes places too late. After 1700-1800 christians havent been interestend about destroying and converting big nations.

As someone who won’t even admit to being a christian, why should we trust you as an authority on what makes a “true christian”?

Perhaps it was an invalid question. The point of the question, however, is to get people to think about how any one religion could claim to be the one “true” religion while it passes over entire geographic regions, and entire groups of people.

I would think that God would spread his word equally across the lands. How can people believe in a God who would send entire continents and nationalities to hell?

Really, I’d like one of the "true believers’ to chime in and explain this phenomenon.

Why? Everyone knows that people are racist, so it’s not surprising that people have framed God in racist terms.

Of course, there are two reasonable ways to deal with religious views when you disagree: You can disavow religious affiliation as atheists do, or you can look for ways to fix the problems.

Here is a blog where the book is being discussed.