Is Gilby out of Space?

Oh boy…

What have we done?



Did you steal Gilby’s server, you filthy quench?!

His laptop will hold

It has happened before when the gallery software goes bonkers and fills up the drives with lots and lots of temp files. May just need to reset the gallery software and clean out the gigabytes of temp files.

Or we may need more drive space.

I just googled hugh computer, multi hard-drive computer had bad results :roll_eyes:

Does the link work for uk udc?

or could gibly put adds at the bottom of the home page?

Both. I cleared the cache and moved a large album to a different drive, so there is now 2.7 GB free on the one for the gallery.

About how much money would we need to raise/donate so we can expand how much space the gallery has?

external hard-drive cost me £60 (I used my dead pc HD) . About £100 for a new one

It’s $15/month for a 160GB drive. I’ve been contemplating a new server to colocate though.

That doesn’t seem too bad.

You could probably set up a donation goal here that will be displayed on the side of the page. Like a little picture of a temp gauge, and once its full, we have reached our goal. Im sure lots of people would donate and we would all watch the gauge go up and up. =p

is that for hire-ing or on like one of those buy and then pay slowly things?

It’s essentially a lease.

lol tehjdw, it doesnt work like you buy stuff, you rent a server, in a big big room with lots of other servers, but its not in your house or in your country even. (well it might be but doesnt have to be)

So if you want more space, you ask for more, and they just enable it remotely. Its probably not even another hard drive, its probably just abit of space from lots of different hard drives, probably with Raid5’s and stuff. you cant go in their server room and add a USB external hard drive on their servers lol. Because most of the time you rent part of a big server. You dont actually rent a whole computer. You share it with loads of other users.

i mean all of this depends on what plan gilby is on…

And $15 seems quite good actually.


the whole time i thought this thread was about gilby being from outer space

finally it makes sense !!

Pun intended, Oven.

Gilby must be in Outer Space if he didn’t bother to show up at Moab… I can’t think of any other excuse that would explain why his folks made it but he couldn’t. Can you?!?

Oh yeah! Quick Gibly! check your cats basket!!! :astonished: