is every unicyclist related to circus/juggling?

This issue was amply addressed [THREAD=35349]here[/THREAD] and resolved [post=513377]here[/post].

You could be right… I originally read the phrase in this letter and have heard it elsewhere… dunno why it stuck with me, but I do find the phrase quite amusing.

aaaaand… you REALLY are sixteen years old…

…I’m confused…what are you insinuating…?

i kno that not every unicyclist is involved with the circus tho some are…i myself ama street performer…i unicycle, juggle breate fire, eat fire and do alot of knife play. im definately not a clown cuz theres a difference between clowns and street performers…clowns make more money:D

Wouldn’t it be a sheep’s then?

No thread where the ‘C’ word is mentioned is complete without this.


I got into juggling as a result of unicycling… I’m learning to juggle 3-balls :stuck_out_tongue: (I’m not very good.)

i juggle some and i would like to be in a circus maybe one day. i have always liked clowns and i would also like to be a unicyclist in the circus

You should try one: with HP sauce and chips. Best cooked slowly on a rotisserie rather than microwaved.


Isn’t everything?

I want to see you warm up a cup of coffee on a rotisserie.

Touched, bah.

That doesn’t count; you wouldn’t warm up coffee in the microwave, either.


Dude, (and I mean this in a caring, loving manner) are you on drugs?

I wish.

Back to the original point, I think those into freestyle unicycling are more likely to have one of the “circus” skills as well. There are mountain unicyclists who got into it because they were mountain b*kers that wanted additional challenge. Or street unicyclists who wanted to be skaters but couldn’t figure out the four wheel thing. :smiley:

Me, personally, I am a part-time clown. I twisted balloons in college to pay rent, etc. I still do, in fact. I juggle, do clowning, etc. But those are really just to support my unicycling habit.

I’m a juggler but i could uni first, and cos i could uni i found a juggling/uni club it was then when i got into the juggling malarcy (clubs 3balls 5balls ect) i now do both for the fun! i think unicycling has evolved since the days of good old circus with animals an clowns (these days people are scared of them than think there funny) anywho back to the point unicycling i’v seen in circuses isnt generaly good as unicycling elsewhere eg trials MUNI ect

I hate that people associate unicycle to circus or juggling

I learn’t to unicycle well before i got into circus skills and performance. I think the reason so many unicyclists are associated with the circus is becasue it is the same skills that you use to unicycle that are also tested in other circus skills. If you like the challenge of unicycling then you are likely to like the challenge of other circus skills.
But contrary to what some other people said, my main unicycling areas include Muni and trials/street- i still freestyle but not nearly as much as the others.
At the moment i perform on the Russian silks (tissu), walking globe, tumbling and balance acrobatics. I see nothing wrong with being associated with the circus, but unicyclings tenuous links to clowning can be a little wearing.

Mark: You mean unicycling was among your first CIRCUS skills, and then you took it in a direction that is not typical for the circus. Like I travel on my uni, not very entertaining in a circus…

What size walking globe do you use? Do you do anything while on the globe, like juggle or balance spining plates?

My dad does that all the time…