Is anyone else completely obsessed with DDR?

I can’t stop playing this game. I went to the arcade for about a month straight… I don’t even want to think about how much money I wasted. I just bought my own pair of pads, a usb adapter, and have StepMania set up… its so great.

I am completely obsessed:

Today was beautiful - 60 degrees, slight breeze, sunlight. My uni stayed in my trunk, screaming to be ridden, while I was playing Kick the Can and Candy (heart) in my basement.

Anyone else play?


I just recently acquired a dance pad and an older version of DDR (ddr max). I went through all the lessons today (most are uber easy) and am starting going through the game on standard mode. anyhow, im semi-decent, and am working on getting awesome so i can kick my friends butts.

I USED to be super addicted. I too had Stepmania, something like 400 songs loded onto it. A hard metalpad with an arcade bar. Aaaaand I wasted probably 300 bucks a month at the arcade, going everyday afterschool. I got good, yeah. Something like 6th in state for freestyle. And I could hold my own against the asian kids who were insane too.

After a certain point, I could beat almost every song on DDR extreme, at the arcade(usually). I got bored, then realised I shoulda spent my money on something cooler.

Get out now, don’t let it consume you. Only play Stepmania, and even then, dont waste money on nice pads…

Re: Is anyone else completely obsessed with DDR?

I am indeed a DDR addict! I’ve been playing heavy for like, ever, and i still cant get enough. i hate playing at the arcade, its a waist. i have pads for ps2 and i have stepmania and im about to d/l smonline. so i can play with like you and my friends. Im very very VERY good at SM. And im probably the best girl ddr player aruond here. but man, ive seen some poeple play and holy shit! its sooo awesome. I play ddr all the time. :):slight_smile: how good are you…? age? im 16, amanda…and oh man…hahaaaaaa DDR!!! when i play tennis i think about the side steps in ddr and the patterns, straffing and when you do cross over side steps. i LOVE to do gallops. what lever are you on? i do heavy and challenge. and whats your hardest song you can pass. i pass drop out like no problem now its easy but i remember a few weeks ago i couldnt get it down because all the jumps are confusing. g/l with your ddr and stepmania! stepmania will soon become your whole life!

I would teach you. Im very good. But…well, i could try to explain? IM me its much easier then posts. pissinlemonaid is the s/n

Re: Re: Is anyone else completely obsessed with DDR?

Haha gold.

Anyways I used to play that crap for like 3 weeks, then I realized it was the dumbest thing in the history of ever so I stopped.

Thats cool. I thought i was alone. Its been a while though.

Where are good places to get songs for StepMania? Is there anything like song packs?


Re: Re: Re: Is anyone else completely obsessed with DDR?

SM or DDR? I think they are both awesome, except for the fact IM ADDICTED TO ARROWS!!! Thats kind of sad. But…hey, if your good at something why not keep with it? :):):slight_smile: And im good at DDR and excellent at SM so…:smiley: it works out. Although my best friend CJ is really sick at SM, he is going to be the next Arch0wl of SM. For all you SM lovers, you know who arch0wl is, and if you dont search him. he is SICK! Here is a picture of my and CJ playing SM actually. Oh yeah how does everyone play SM? 2 fingers? 4 fingers? 4 fingers split? 1 hand? I use the split method, and it rocks.

and another pic…

oops, heh…here…

Re: Re: Re: Re: Is anyone else completely obsessed with DDR?

Wow…I made a joke…you didn’t get it, then you went on and made it 5000000000000000x better.

oh looky…another…

dscf0644 yay.jpg

Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Is anyone else completely obsessed with DDR?

I try…<~sarcasm.:smiley:

Go to and register and go to original simfiles. Its good. I have like over a thousand songs on my comp.

Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Is anyone else completely obsessed with DDR?

I got it :smiley: Im love SM especially in dark basements :wink:

DDR is weird. Goth kids and asian kids are soooo good its scary, but ill never do it becuse I hate arcades- too much of a waste of $

Re: Is anyone else completely obsessed with DDR?

Who else saw the title of this thread and thought “Bit sad really - obsessing about RAM technology”?

Only me? OK - I’m the sad geek then…


Re: Re: Is anyone else completely obsessed with DDR?

[/begin hijack]

I’m running 438 DDR dual channel on a 1/1 divider :stuck_out_tongue:

rig in sig :sunglasses:

[/end hijack]

arch0wl??? wtf?

Whatever happened to DDR addicts like Kid Zero Riz Kahn and A-teens?

i bet arch0wl has nothing on the Kid.

Re: Re: Re: Is anyone else completely obsessed with DDR?

whatever that means… hey, i bet your computer owns mine!