Is a BC wheel considered a unicycle?

just yes or no is it or is it not?


yeah…UNI means one… and it is a type of cycle… there for it is a unicycle…

Yeah, I think so. I think its as much a uni as a UW or giraffe.

yes, but I don’t think anyone should really call it “a unicycle” when they know it’s a BC wheel because there different things with one wheel.

I would absolutely have to positively say…maybe. I tell people I have two and a half unicycles when they ask me how many I have, because I don’t know about the BC Wheel.
It is a question we may never know the answer to.

Hmm, I say no.

Sure it has one wheel, but it doesn’t have a frame, seat, pedals, cranks.

Its like saying a scooter is a skateboard or a skateboard is a scooter, because the main difference are handles to hold onto.

Ok, that may not be the best example, anyways, to me, a unicycle is a unicycle, giraffe are unicycles, but a bc wheel is a bc wheel, but is with the unicycle family/category.

Cycle - Something powered by human legs through pedaling. If it isn’t a cycle it can’t be a unicycle.

HAH! What about a MOTORcycle?! A cycle is something the spins. Uni means one. So yes, a BC wheel is one thing that spins, therefore a BC is a unicycle.

where is the prefix ‘uni’ in the term ‘bc wheel’? I think a bc wheel is just a wheel with plates - not a unicycle.

If I owned a bc wheel, and someone asked me how many unicycles I had, I would tell them “I have four unicycles and a bc wheel”.

“What is a bc wheel?”, they would ask.

To which I would reply, “A BC wheel is a wheel with footplates on each side of the axle. You jump on it an coast, unlike a unicycle which you must continuously pedal in order to keep moving (unless, of course, you can coast on a unicycle).”

Wrong, sir, wrong!

Merriam Webster says

Main Entry: 1cy·cle
Pronunciation: 'sI-k&l
Function: noun
Etymology: Middle English cicle, from Late Latin cyclus, from Greek kyklos circle, wheel, cycle – more at WHEEL
1 : an interval of time during which a sequence of a recurring succession of events or phenomena is completed <a 4-year cycle of growth and development>
2 a : a course or series of events or operations that recur regularly and usually lead back to the starting point b : one complete performance of a vibration, electric oscillation, current alternation, or other periodic process c : a permutation of a set of ordered elements in which each element takes the place of the next and the last becomes first d : a takeoff and landing of an airplane
3 : a circular or spiral arrangement: as a : an imaginary circle or orbit in the heavens b : RING 10
4 : a long period of time : AGE
5 a : a group of creative works (as poems, plays, or songs) treating the same theme b : a series of narratives dealing typically with the exploits of a legendary hero <the Arthurian cycle>
7 : the series of a single, double, triple, and home run hit in any order by one player during one baseball game

Nah, a unicycle is specifically what a standard unicycle is… Just becaue uni means one doesn’t mean everything with one wheel is a unicycle.

Just like everything that has two wheels isn’t a bicycle- such as scooters.

Person: Whats a Bc wheel?

A proper awnser: The best form of unicycling.


but wrong :roll_eyes:

A motorcycle is an exception (note the word motor). Also most of the world calls them motorbikes. Also, by your logic, these are all unicycles:

just because you dont power it like a conventional unicycle doesn’t mean it’s not a unicycle.

aeroplanes have forms of propulsion by jets or propellors right, but gliders are still aeroplanes even though they aren’t powered, right?

i’ve made bicycles without any form of propulsion, but it’s still a bike.

that rules out that arguement.

A bike that cannot be ridden is not a bike, it is a frame fork wheels bars stem etc.

a bike that cannot be ridden is not a bike.

yes it is a bike, you said it right there at the start, “a bike”

it’s still a bike, if you ride a bike and crash into a pole and can’t ride it, it’s still a bike.

a BC wheel is a unicycle:

Single; one: unicycle.

cy·cle ( P ) Pronunciation Key (skl)
An interval of time during which a characteristic, often regularly repeated event or sequence of events occurs: Sunspots increase and decrease in intensity in an 11-year cycle.

A single complete execution of a periodically repeated phenomenon: A year constitutes a cycle of the seasons.
A periodically repeated sequence of events: the cycle of birth, growth, and death; a cycle of reprisal and retaliation.
The orbit of a celestial body.
A long period of time; an age.

The aggregate of traditional poems or stories organized around a central theme or hero: the Arthurian cycle.
A series of poems or songs on the same theme: Schubert’s song cycles.
A bicycle, motorcycle, or similar vehicle.
Botany. A circular or whorled arrangement of flower parts such as those of petals or sepals.
Linguistics. In generative grammar, the principle that allows an ordered set of linguistic rules or operations to apply repeatedly to successive stages of a derivation. Often used with the.

thus a BC wheel is a unicycle.