Napalm, please dont think i was being patronizing, i was just kidding, i know that the australians are in the thick of the battle just like us americans, and i know you guys suffered a lot whn those bombs went off in indonesia, and how on earth can i be patronizing when i make a joke about vegamite?
think about it, most americans do not even know what vegamite is, but i know what it is, and yet im accused of being ignorant. im a big fan of australia, the road warrior (mad max2) is my favorite film, foster lager is my 2nd favorite beer (after bud light) and i think naomi watts is way hot.australia is big and dexcellent in my book, im sorry you thought i was being patronizing.
through history, alliances with various nations always change and it often leads to situations here one nation appears to be aiding both countries, but that is because there may be weapons left over from a previous alience perios that is used against the other nation when a new conflict arises… But speaking of iran-Iraq war, people always mention this, but i have yet to see any photographs of iraqui or iranian soldiers during the iran-iraq war using american weapons, all the images you see are those soldiers using soviet made ak47s or soviet made tanks, or soviet or french made jets. nobody blames the ussr or france of giving doubale aid to both enemies, but of coure the USA is blamed, as always.
also, this still does not justify in any way the 911 attavcks. if the USA did not arm iraq and iran during that war, do you really think that the war would have been prevented? certainly if people want to fight, they find a way and an arms dealer to do it. and if the 911 terrorists were so conserned about the iraq-iran war, why did they not attack the principals in THAT war? the assistance you speak of still does not justify murdering 3000 people in mid town manhattan. sorry to disagree with you, but it is still not a genuine reason for the macabe and awful event of 911.
your argument with reference to the iran-iraq war has my full compassion, much more than you seem to realize, but it is not a convincing argument for mass murder, or to make an excuse for mass murder, even if the victums are a bunch of bone headed overweight mcdonalds-eating americans who has sucky underpaid jobs in the twin towers.
my own boneheaded skull is not as thick as you think, and i am open to any explainaition that justifies the terrorist actions of 911. dont just give up on me, making your points to a conservative is more interesting than making the same points to others who automatically agree with you. thats why i enjoy posting and apeaking with liberls, it is more interesting and fun than arguing with those who already agre with me
i do apologize for making a cheap remark bout japan nd australia. after i posted that remark, i stted to think more bout it, nd when you think about how hard and bravely the australians fought in ww2, in bioth the pacific and ion euroope, it is clear that the japanese attempt to attack australia would have failed, with or without guadalcanal. and i also think that if the japanese attack went in a western direction, and if they managed to land in california, our australian friends would have been at our sides.
i for one never said that this war would be easy and cheap and harmless. and i think the benefits of this action will become clear in several years time. it is a fight we have to do, and i think President Bush’s long range vision can be hard to grasp by all those with instant gratification on their minds. my argument is not with those who were against the war from day1, but my argument is with those of you who supported the war in its first year, saw thst it was messy, and now want to run. from the first moment a war starts, you have to be clear, it is not something you try out, like a shirt in a store, then return the shirt when it does not fit as well as you thought. even people like cindy sheehan, it takes her son to die before she chooses the antiwar side? if everyone who is aginst the war now, thought it through for 5 minutes before the war instead of being wishywashy and putting magnets on their cars and “thinking” that they supported the war, if they were not sure (as I was) that it was the right thing to do, then they should have said so before we comitted. now it is too late, we are there, and we have to finish the job.
napalm, i already said that i thought gitmo was not worth it, and that the terrorists should be put in us prisions, with fair trials and all that. also, in us prisons, these creeps would have a var more miserable experience, half of them were training to be suicide bombers, so we should deny them the deat5h penelty so they could surffer among the prison population without their fast track to the 63 virgins, or whatever it is they think they will get in heaven.
Ok. I agree.
the evidence is not really very condemming. i am willing to change my mind about anything (for example, since this post exchange, i have been giving some serious thought to switching my favorite beer from bud-light to fosters lager), nbut simply coming us with vague reasons for the 911 attack does not do it. if a group of vietnamese people did that attack, and said it was because their whole families were destroyed by B-52s during the vietnam war, then I might , no, I WOULD understand. if mexicans decided to blow up the alamo, i would understand that. if ome japanese group decided to nuke n american city, and said it was bvecause of hiroshima,then I guess there would be a type of logic to an insne thing like that. but 911 because the usa helped both sides during iran VS iraq? you have to come up with something better.
sorry you dont want to argue with me anymore. I was enjoying your posts.