Ipod surgery.

I bought an Ipod mini and it had a really bad battery, so I looked around and I found a web sight that sold ipod batteries that were better then the original one. So I bought one and today it came and I put it in with a little open surgery.

  1. I removed the end caps with an included tool.

    Then slid out the ipods innards.

New It’s all done and charged it works way way longer then it did. :sunglasses:


Nuts thoes pictures are really big sorry!

I did that too for mine, its pretty sweet.
but now mine is permanently broken I think ): oh well.
nice job!


I saw this on Digg today. Seems appropriate here. :wink:

How to Take Great Photos of an Electronics Product with a Digital Camera

lol thanks. I did theas pictures preaty fast. But when I do sell things on ebay I’ll rember that lol.

Nice little article! Though a lot of it was about how to dress them up in post-production. You have to work withing your camera’s focusing range first…

I was originally going to say it looked like those pictures were taken with an iPod camera. :slight_smile:

I love my iPod. Fortunately the original batter is still going strong. Mostly I play it from devices that keep it charged.