iPod pictures

I see that quite a few people have avatars that look like there made by apple, like the pictures in the ads for iPod for example. Can anyopne explain me how to create one like that myself? Do I need photoshop, or other special software?

You could do it with MS Paint, but it might be a bit harder.

Its quite simple. All you do is just take a picture of yourself or someone else unicycling, upload it to your computer import it to photoshop or some other picture editing program, then color the figure unicycling black. Erase the backround, and replace it with a bright color, write something on it like “Iuni”.

If you don’t have or can’t afford photoshop, in my opinion, the next best thing is gimp. Its free!

Here is where you get The GIMP: http://www.gimp.org/
Here is a tutorial: http://gimp-tutorials.net/gimp-iPod-Dancer-Silhouette

Kay :smiley: Thx all :slight_smile:

You are quite welcome.

like this one?

Yeah that’s a cool one:) homemade?

What else would it be if it wasn’t homemade? :slight_smile:

Stolen? :roll_eyes:

Haha stolen from where? Someone else’s homemade?

Indeed, but then it wouldn’t really be homemade, because it wouldn’t be made in his home xD i just mean it’s a really nice picture both the trick (real picture) and the final result:p

here is proof i made it, this is half way though the prosses

did you do that on paint?

Here’s an iPod picture. It’s now all about faux reflections, faux 3D, and chromatic colors.

ipod picture.jpg

Ahh, neat! :smiley:

I have one as my display pic

gimp or paint.net, i forget which one

My niece made one that says iDeaf. It shows the person with the iPod, but the white lines of the earbud wires go to the person’s eyes. Yes, she’s deaf (and she can ride a unicycle).

My brother is 100% deaf, was born deaf and his balance isnt enough to even ride a bike.
Admittedly he also has other issues which may contribute the the balance loss but for some reason i thought it’d be impossible for a deaf person to ride a uni.