iOS overtakes Linux in Browser usage

I’m pretty sure my dad has the pocket protector to go along with that thing.

As for me, I like the look of that circular, uh, uni-rule. :slight_smile:

If you sewed a sleeping bag to your shirt, you’d have a nice pocket protector for that beast. And maybe it was the power of suggestion – and the complete lack of thought – but I think in the back of my mind I assumed that Dave’s round thing was really big like Greg’s giant slide rule. I just now finally had that “duh” moment.

Today I read (in Macworld Magazine) that Apple is now the highest-valued brand in the world, after Google and IBM. Ruh-row, don’t get too popular in the desktop/laptop computing space!

My point was that it’s simply disappointing that people aren’t flocking to Linux. Clearly the issue isn’t that they’re afraid of something new - they’re all flocking to iPad’s just fine.
I’ve had family members kill a Windows PC within a week. Put that same use on a Linux box and they’re good for at least a few years.
The “Boat Anchor” I referred to is Windows, not an IPad. Although they are pretty heavy.

Why flock to GNU/Linux if you can use a BSD? :smiley:

Hmmm, I’ve never really considered it.

Until after reading this: BSD For Linux Users :: Intro

Ah, you uncovered a real classic in BSD propaganda.

Honestly not all is well in the BSD world. Because software, especially desktop software, is very Linux centric nowadays it generally works around Linux specific problems. In order to make all that work on a BSD the porters have to implement solutions to problems we don’t have in the first place. It’s dirty and it means we get the fanciest desktop stuff later.

Any way. I picked up FreeBSD in 2005 and stuck with it ever since.

Which distribution? LOL, just kidding.

I favour OpenBSD, but do Linux coding for work so that is what I use most (workstation runs Slackware).

When you come to understand why they’re flocking to iPads you will hopefully understand the rest of it. It’s not a mystery, it’s just a fact that many computer geeks don’t like. :slight_smile:

It’s a well written piece and certainly thought provoking. I hear your points about ‘making it work’ and have to balance my need to get things done with my desire for a better desktop environment.

I’ll give it some more thought and may have to sacrifice an old box to trying it out.

Or run VMware.